Sunday, July 5, 2020

Describe Industrialization After The Civil War In The US - 1100 Words

Describe Industrialization After The Civil War In The US (Term Paper Sample) Content: Effects of Industrialization after the Civil War in the United StatesStudents NameCourseProfessors NameInstitutionDateIntroductionAfter the Civil War, the United States became a much more industrialized society. Even though industrialization has created problems for the American society, several improvements in the U.S economy, politics and society have been influenced by industrialization between 1865 and 1920. This paper examines the effects of industrialization on society, economy, and politics. A discussion of three groups affected by industrialization is provided. Also, the paper talks about the influence of industrialization on average working American.Aspects of IndustrializationThe three aspects that characterized the industrialization in U.S during 1865 and 1920 revolve around economy, politics, and society. To start with, the American economy experienced changes attributed to the industrial revolution in the United States. During this period there was increa sed productivity arising from the growth of businesses and increased development of factories. Also, there was increased utilization of machines that increased productivity contributing to the rampant growth of factories and business operations which gradually improved the economy ("Economic Growth and the Early Industrial Revolution []," n.d.). Additionally, the high number of immigrants who were a source of labor stipulated the growth in business and factories. Besides, Boyer et al., (2013) articulate that there was the development of mergers and monopolies which controlled competition and increased prices of products and services. To sum it up, the increased productivity, growth of business and development of industries were significant factors contributing to economic changes during the industrialization period of U.S between 1865 and 1920.Politics was another aspect that faced changes during the industrialization period. One of the political changes. First, economi c growth drove the United States in becoming as strong political power. Legislation such as tariffs and taxes were introduced to control business operations. Notably, during this period laissez-faire policy of the government was established. The government allowed business owners to make decisions on prices, demand, and supply. Also, the government officials have superior control over most of the large companies, and thus political corruption was evident ("Economic Growth and the Early Industrial Revolution []," n.d.). Embezzlement of government resources was present, and the government officials supported the rich to get business contracts through bribes. Consequently, the gap between the poor and the rich widened.Finally, the society experienced changes relating to urbanization and population growth. There was a revolution of the American society from an agrarian society to a more industrialized society. This led to people migrating to urban areas in pursuit of job op portunities at the factories. Consequently, there was high population growth in cities and eventually social issues arising from overpopulation were present (Conlin, 2013). These issues include inadequate housing, poor working conditions, crime, and unhealthy living environment exposing the society to health risks.Groups Affected by IndustrializationSeveral groups were affected by industrialization. This section discusses the following groups; women and children, immigrants, and Native American. After the Civil War, women evolved from being housewives to working at factories. One of the significant changes that women faced is the empowerment of their rights and freedom advocated by women reform groups and unions. Women were allowed to vote during the industrialization period and allowed to work contradicting their situation before the civil war. However, the women were exploited since they were working for long hours and would get a lower pay compared to men. Furthermore, the child ren were allowed to work in the factories which were viewed as exploitation of child labor due to their low wages (Conlin, 2013). Essentially, both women and children were exposed to poor working conditions at a lower pay.Secondly, immigrants were affected during the industrialization period. According to Conlin (2013), during this industrialization period, there was a high growth of immigrants from central, southern, and east Europe among other locations into the United States. They fled to the United States in pursuit of jobs and worked at the factories and the railroad's constructions. Immigrants provided the great source of labor which contributed to the growth of factories and business in the U.S. Immigrants faced discrimination and exploitation through lower wages. The Chinese were taxed for working in gold mines during the Gold Rush. Besides, the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was enacted to prevent further Chinese immigrants into the U.S for ten years (Boyer et al., 2013). Al so, due to the high population growth of immigrants into urban areas, social issues uprising from overcrowding were felt such as inadequate housing.Lastly, the Native Americans were affected by the changes arising from industrialization. Industrialization contributed to the growth of urban centers and construction of railroads. For this reason, the land was inadequate forcing the eviction of Native Americans from their native land to other parts of the country. The growth of factories, coal mines, and other business activities created the demand for land for expansion of these sectors (Conlin, 2013).Effec...

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

How J.B. Priestley Creates Sympathy for Eva Smith in An Inspector Calls - Literature Essay Samples

In An Inspector Calls, J.B. Priestley uses the characters and attitudes of the Birling family, especially Mr. Birling, to make the audience feel sympathy for Eva Smith. The family is prosperous and comfortable, and Mr. Birlings ostentatious posturing emphasizes their good fortune. In the opening lines of the play, he is found discussing port with Gerald, immediately giving the audience a sense of the familys financial security. When Mr. Birling tells Gerald and Eric that a man should look after his own, and not listen to the cranks who talk about community and all that nonsense, it becomes obvious that he has no interest in the welfare of people like Eva Smith. By making Mr. Birling so arrogant and pompous, JB Priestley renders his character deeply unattractive and encourages the reader to sympathize with his oppressed workforce.The entry of the Inspector causes a dramatic shift in the plays atmosphere, drawing attention to his shocking news. He almost immediately announces that Eva Smith has died in the infirmary after swallowing strong disinfectant that burnt her inside out. This language provides a striking contrast to the familys previous conversation, where things were implied, but never directly stated. The Inspector does not use euphemisms to shield the family from the unpleasant images, but says that Eva died in great agony. Especially in juxtaposition with the comfortable atmosphere and obvious wealth displayed earlier in the play, the Inspectors vivid description of Eva Smiths suffering captures the attention and pity of the audience.Mr. and Mrs. Birlings uncooperative responses to the Inspectors questioning increase both the audiences feelings of distaste towards the Birlings and their sympathy for Eva Smith. Mr. Birlings initial response to Evas death is an impatient yes, yes. Horrid business, and even that is said more out of social convention than any real dismay. He sees the Inspectors questioning as a rude intrusion on his personal time, and is convinced that there is nothing scandalous about this business, as far as he is concerned. He seems to think that he is above the law, telling the Inspector that he doesnt like his tone. He also repeatedly tells the Inspector that he doesnt think these events are any concern of his. Mr. Birling tries to intimidate the Inspector by telling him about the close friendship he shares with the chief constable, and then to settle it sensibly in other words, to try to solve the problem with money. Mrs. Birling also tries to intimidate the Inspector, albeit in a more subtle manner than her husband. Mrs. Birling calls his investigation absurd, and says that he is conducting it in a rather peculiar and offensive manner. She reminds him of her husbands powerful position in society, as if this absolves the family from any need to cooperate with the Inspector. Mr and Mrs. Birlings attitude towards the investigation only increases the audiences sympathy for Eva Smith. It turns the play into a str uggle between their viewpoint, and that of the Inspector. This conflict encourages the audience to side with Eva Smith, and with the working classes in general. The Birling familys refusal to accept responsibility also gives the audience a glimpse of the abuse that Eva suffered at the hands of those in positions of power.The story of exactly what happened to Eva Smith unfolds throughout Act One, as the audience learns that each of the Birlings has hurt her in a different way. First, the audience learns that eighteen months before her suicide, Mr. Birling dismissed her from her job because shed had far too much to say on the subject of her unfair wages. Later, it emerges that Sheila had her sacked from Milwards, mainly because she was in a furious temper and jealous of Eva. Eva is described as a lively good-looking girl, country bred, and a good worker, and by Sheila as someone who looked like she could take care of herself. These personal details show the audience that Evas death wa s a tragic waste. While questioning the Birlings, the Inspector repeatedly reminds them of her gruesome death, saying that she wasnt very pretty when I saw her today. The contrast between the Birlings description of Eva and the Inspectors account of what was left of her in the infirmary emphasizes how thoroughly the Birlings have destroyed her life.One detail in particular rouses the audiences sympathy towards Eva Smith: the fact she had to change her name. The Birlings use their family name as well as Gerald Crofts to try to intimidate the Inspector. To them, these names guarantee wealth, respect, and a place in upper-class society. Evas situation starkly contrasts with this: the fact that she can so easily change her name shows that she possesses nothing, and has nobody to help her. To people like the Birlings, she is just one of so many girls that keep on changing, and her name is irrelevant.Another way that Priestley reveals the misery of Eva Smiths short life is by contrasting it with the happy, protected existence of Sheila Birling, who is about the same age as Eva. Sheila is shallow, childish, and naive. She calls her dad mean for sacking Eva Smith, and exclaims that girls like Eva are people, as if she has never really thought about such things before. These characteristics are intended to show what a sheltered life Sheila has led. While Sheila is poised to marry a rich and respected young man about town and will never be expected to work a day in her life, at the time of her death Eva had already been sacked from two jobs, and had fended for herself for several years. At several points throughout the play, Sheilas parents try to send her away so that she will not be shocked by the details of the investigation. This only clarifies the double standard present in this situation: the Birlings expect working-class girls to experience things that they do not want their daughter to even hear about. By drawing attention to Sheilas privileged lifestyle, Evas l ife is made to seem even more pitiful.