Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Robinson Crusoe1 essays

Robinson Crusoe1 essays Daniel Defoe, author of Robinson Crusoe, led a rather dramatic life, just like the character described in his novel. He had played various roles throughout his life. He used to be a successful merchant, though went out of business later. He published The True-Born Englishman, which was awarded by William III, and he also the author of The Short Way With The Dissentions, because of which he was sent to the court since the article ridicule the policy the government had taken towards the national church. When he was producing the novel Robinson Crusoe, he was already over sixty years of age. The novel was presented out of a real story of a seaman and it gained great popularity as soon as it was published. It goes beyond any literary codes or restrictions. Deniel Defoe with great independence of creativity made his novels a model of a completely new literary style and just because of this he was awarded as the father of the English and European novels. In the novel, Robinson Crusoe was a young Englishman with great interests in traveling in sea. He abandoned the peaceful life of his hometown village and went out to the sea. Unfortunately their ship was attacked by a storm. However Robinson was the only one who survived and was stuck on an island. In order to live on the deserted island, he cultivated small farmlands and raised animals with his own hands and wisdom. After he saved a savage, whom he names Friday and made him his slave, the small island was changed into a tiny society. Before he returned to his homeland he had stayed on the small island for twenty-eight years. Robinson Crusoe was the first novel, which describe the creative activity of human beings with a rather different method compared with many other novels of his time. Defoe regarded labor as a great motivation of the society and praised it with elaborate words. Although Robinson was lost in the island away from the society which he lived in, he still has th ...

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