Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Event during the post-war period Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Event during the post-war period - Essay Example The following now turns to an exploration of the Vietnam War (Young & Kent, 2003). The Vietnam War was one of the most protracted conflicts in American post-World War II history. Between 1954 and 1975, the United States was engaged in an ideology battle for supremacy in Asia and sought to contain the communist threat wherever that threat may be. With the exit of the French in the former colonial territory, a power vacuum emerged between communist and pro-Western forces. American involvement in Vietnam began as America sought to contain the spread of communism around the world. Following the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy, President Lyndon Johnson effectively ratcheted up the American engagement in Vietnam and actively sought to the annihilation of communist forces within Vietnam. Between 1964 and 1965, America significantly expanded the scope of US armed forces personnel in Vietnam, responding to the increasingly precarious situation on the ground. Accordingly, in addition to an increase in soldiers as well as the offensive parameters of the US army , the deployment of US Marines also increased significantly from 3,500 to nearly 200,000 by the end of the year. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution effectively paved the way for increased American intervention in the conflict and set the stage for the massive troop deployments. This represented a departure from previous American thought that South Vietnam would defeat the communists largely on their own. Now, the United States seemed more committed than ever to eradicating the forces of communism from Vietnam. Fundamentally, President Lyndon Johnson escalated the Vietnam War in order to put an end to a conflict which was progressively escalating and getting out of control. Massive troop deployments following the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution allowed President Johnson the leeway necessary to enact a policy

Monday, October 28, 2019

IT Ethics and Security Essay Example for Free

IT Ethics and Security Essay The bill of Children’s Internet Protection Act or CIPA is included in the United States Congress and is recommended to keep a tight rein on children’s disclosure to obscene websites and explicit material available on the internet and online. This bill was proposed by the Senator of Arizona, Mr.  John McCain who wanted CIPA to be in United States Senate in the year 1999; however it was not included until various other delegates launched it in the United States House of Representatives, subsequent to which an absolute version was made and passed on the 15th December, 2000 after President Bill Clinton brought it into Law on 21st December, 2000 which after a few years on 23rd June, 2003 finally got defended by the Supreme Court of United States of America (US District Pennsylvania, 2010). This law requires the schools and public libraries to use internet safety filters for the reception of certain national financial support. Therefore the Supreme Court of United States of America has followed on constitutionality CIPA and has been providing them with the relieves to acquire reasonably priced telecommunications and Internet (Willard, 2007). Supreme Court of United States of America’s ruling on CIPA The purpose of CIPA was to provide the libraries and schools of the USA with support for internet and telecommunication facilities and this has been followed perfectly since the Supreme Court of USA approved it however it has certain limitation. A legal apprehension for instructors is lawsuits brought through anxious parents and associations. Through certain internet filters the minors can be saved from the explicit content on the internet which may rot their minds at a very early age so this helps in preventing the data of school from being seen by some other sources and, therefore from all points provide maximum security to the children and their families (US District Pennsylvania, 2010). As mentioned there are certain limitation to the support program which includes that as per CIPA, schools and libraries under CIPA do not obtain the concession accessible through the E-rate program, which is a concession that provides the facility of internet to schools and libraries, until they confirm that they have all the internet security measures in place which include the filter of blockage of pictures which are obscene, which may contain explicit material or certain data which might be bad for the children’s mind, therefore the schools which have CIPA facility need to have proper monitoring system which is too under check of the USA authorities jus in case of any violation (Willard, 2007). Also the educational institutions and libraries under the watch and aid of CIPA have to implement an authority and are inquired about to check the children while they use the internet, send any electronic mail or use some kind of chatting resource through the web while special check on certain hacking or misuse of internet by a minor is done and all the information is under supervision of the authorities however it does not need tracing of internet and the websites used by the children or any adult during the subjection to CIPA as it can be done by the supervisor of the place where the internet is being used (US District Pennsylvania, 2010). Hence this has been one of the greatest steps taken by the United States government and surely has a brilliant positive effect on the minors as they not only learn the use of internet but are also protected through it. Conclusion The united states government has always taken steps for the betterment of its citizen and the ones through which they can be benefitted therefore this step of CIPA ruling under the Supreme Court of the USA deserves appreciation and especially the people who donate funds to help the schools and libraries running and provide facilities the young minds

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Cannabis Sativa: Why Hasnt It Been Legalized? :: essays research papers

What if we were able to legalize a drug that works more efficiently on some diseases than any legal drug on the market today? This drug can help to aid such notorious diseases as AIDS and glaucoma. The name of this drug is cannabis sativa, or its more well-known name, marijuana. Cannabis sativa should be legalized for its medicinal uses. This paper will state the different types of diseases that marijuana may be used for, the current steps towards the legalization of this drug for medicinal purposes, the reasons for the use of this drug not to be exploited, the positive and alleviating effects of its use, and the non-addictive attributes of the drug itself. There are many reasons to show why the illegal drug, marijuana, should be legalized solely for its medicinal uses and benefits. Marijuana can be used for such things as glaucoma, controlling seizures, arthritis, the side effects of cancer chemotherapy, such as vomiting and nausea, asthma, anxiety, convulsions, AIDS and depression (Cohen, 1985). "In glaucoma, it reduces the pressure in the eye, for instance, and it also causes a slight increase in appetite in people suffering from AIDS wasting or those undergoing chemotherapy" (Medical Experts, 1997). Marijuana has been widely touted as a treatment for the drastic weight loss associated with AIDS (Levine, 1997). Cannabis sativa reduces the vomiting and nausea caused by chemotherapy, and alleviates pretreatment anxiety. It reduces the muscle pain and spasticity caused by the disease, but it may also help some patients with bladder control and the relieving of tremors (Facts & Stats, 2001). There are a number of peopl e who have severe mental illnesses. When they feel like they are becoming mentally ill, they start self-medicating with cannabis to help them to relieve the symptoms of the illness they are having (Jamaica, 1997). In the study on rats, a research team from Complutense University and Autonoma University in Madrid found that marijuana's active ingredient, called THC, killed tumor cells in advanced cases of glioma, a quick-killing cancer for which there is currently no effective treatment. The team reports that the treatment works by stimulating the cancer cells to commit suicide in a natural process called apoptosis. The effect occurs in cancer cells but not in normal ones and, they say, "could provide the basis for a new therapeutic approach for the treatment of malignant gliomas". (Rea, 2000) But anytime there is an upside, there is always a downside.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

ancestry: roots :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The experiment calls for us to trace our ancestry in any manner possible and trace where we as an ethnicity came from. I decided to concentrate on my mothers’ side of the family because it is more interesting and something other members in my family have already started to investigate. I choose not to concentrate on my fathers’ side because being Mexican is the general term people associate me with. I wanted to elaborate on the other part of my culture, being Native American.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  From the stories my great grandmother told my mother back in the day, we have always known that we were Native American Indians. When my mother was told these stories it was not that big of a deal to be Indian, therefore she did not pay much attention to detail. After my great grandfather died, we found out his brother was receiving benefits from certain Indian tribes and was entitled to land. This information made my mother and her siblings start to question their original background in specific detail. When they contacted their uncle he had no information for them and told them that he would not share how he was able to receive benefits. He told my aunt that he wanted the family to work hard and not accept free money. My aunt explained that she just wanted to know about her father, who was deceased by now, so my great uncle shared some stories with her.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We found out that my great grandfather was from the Mascalero-Apache tribe in New Mexico. He was born in New Mexico, Katilino Quivas, in the late 1890’s. He was kicked out of his own tribe for marrying my great grandmother, who was from a different tribe. Some people in my family say that he was the chief of the tribe, so then did he kick himself out? We are not sure if that is true and are trying to find literature on the notion. What we do know is that he changed his last name from Quivas to Beltran. At that time there was a lot of segregation and hostility towards Indians. His brother notes that it was better to be considered Mexican than Indian at the time, for Indians were lower than Blacks. They concealed their Native American background and hid the fact that they were from a tribe. Katilino Beltran then joined the army and fought in World War I. ancestry: roots :: essays research papers   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The experiment calls for us to trace our ancestry in any manner possible and trace where we as an ethnicity came from. I decided to concentrate on my mothers’ side of the family because it is more interesting and something other members in my family have already started to investigate. I choose not to concentrate on my fathers’ side because being Mexican is the general term people associate me with. I wanted to elaborate on the other part of my culture, being Native American.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  From the stories my great grandmother told my mother back in the day, we have always known that we were Native American Indians. When my mother was told these stories it was not that big of a deal to be Indian, therefore she did not pay much attention to detail. After my great grandfather died, we found out his brother was receiving benefits from certain Indian tribes and was entitled to land. This information made my mother and her siblings start to question their original background in specific detail. When they contacted their uncle he had no information for them and told them that he would not share how he was able to receive benefits. He told my aunt that he wanted the family to work hard and not accept free money. My aunt explained that she just wanted to know about her father, who was deceased by now, so my great uncle shared some stories with her.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We found out that my great grandfather was from the Mascalero-Apache tribe in New Mexico. He was born in New Mexico, Katilino Quivas, in the late 1890’s. He was kicked out of his own tribe for marrying my great grandmother, who was from a different tribe. Some people in my family say that he was the chief of the tribe, so then did he kick himself out? We are not sure if that is true and are trying to find literature on the notion. What we do know is that he changed his last name from Quivas to Beltran. At that time there was a lot of segregation and hostility towards Indians. His brother notes that it was better to be considered Mexican than Indian at the time, for Indians were lower than Blacks. They concealed their Native American background and hid the fact that they were from a tribe. Katilino Beltran then joined the army and fought in World War I.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Dutiful Characters of Ibsen and Sophocles Essay

Nora of Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House, and Antigone of Antigone (by Sophocles) have all had circumstances pitted against them, yet within these unfavourable circumstances they have duties to perform. Their constraints as women or as people whose destinies are governed by fate have caused them to be without pleasing options in their situations—and through the performance of their duties fate often does its work. They have both acted in ways that cause them to be viewed as the dutiful characters in their stories. Where there have been successes, the achievement of their goals against odds reveals them as hardworking characters who shift to accommodate and adjust to the vicissitudes of life, and who are able to defy hardship and even death to do their duties to those for whom they feel loyalty. The situation given Antigone is not one that can be taken lightly, as defiance of authority within that culture of ancient Greece had the ability to ruin an individual. Such an individual would have to be sure that he or she was acting in accordance with the wishes of the gods. In the play, Antigone is concerned that the lack of burial for her brother (who in her opinion had done no wrong) should be an affront to the gods. Even so, if it was not disliked by the gods, she was willing to defy them in order to satisfy herself—for it was an affront to her and she considered it her duty to rectify the situation. It was a dangerous thing for Antigone to find herself in defiance of the gods (who control fate) and of the king Creon. Her father, Oedipus had in his day found himself on the wrong side of Fate and was ruined as a result (Oedipus, the King). As the daughter of a cursed man, Antigone knew that her fate could be an unfavorable one and that it would serve her best to act in accordance with the wishes of the gods. Yet her duty to her brother was stronger, and she acted as she wished and sealed her fate. In A Doll’s House, Nora’s duty is toward her family as Antigone’s has been, and she too defies odds in order to fulfill them. As Nora reveals her hardships to Mrs. Linde, it is evident that she has tried many ways to create favorable circumstances for her husband. As a dutiful wife, she has made many attempts to create a good home. In order to do this, she embarks on the business of borrowing money so that her family might be able to meet its obligations. She proves herself able to deny her wants in order to fulfill her own obligations to the debt. She uses all the devices she as a woman possesses toward the fulfillment of the goal. She proves herself better equipped than even her husband who, possessing the abilities and opportunities of a man, has not shown half the resourcefulness she has, nor has he accomplished as much. In examining the actions of Antigone, one can demonstrate precisely how she showed her dutifulness throughout the play. She begins by defying the decree of the king, who has denied burial to her brother. Antigone initially asks her sister to help with the burial, â€Å"Will you help these hands take up Polyneices’ corpse and bury it? † (lines 52-53). This plea for help demonstrates how natural Antigone felt her duty toward her brother to be. She expected her sister to share it without question. However, even after her sister refuses, she shows her duty in her ability to act given limited resources in her willingness to do all herself. Upon her sister’s refusal, she replies â€Å"I’ll do my duty to my brother—and yours as well, if you’re not prepared to. I won’t be caught betraying him† (lines 56-58). Though she is not able to influence her sister, she is still demonstrates determination to perform her duty in her ability to create the situation she desires. It is also possible to track the areas in which Nora has shown herself dutiful—and in her duty, resourceful. In the years following the incident, she has managed to repay most of her loan without help, sacrificing the scant pleasures of her life. She relays this here: â€Å"It has been no joke to meet my engagements punctually. You must know, Christina, that in business there are things called installments, and quarterly interest, that are terribly hard to provide for. So I’ve had to pinch a little here and there, wherever I could. † This demonstrates the duty that she has to her husband, children and the service of her debt. She does not show the strain that must have been upon her—remaining strong to her children as a dutiful mother should. She succeeds in single-handedly turning around the fate of her family, while continuing. Her burden was often great, as she expresses, â€Å"sometimes I was so tired, so tired. And yet it was splendid to work in that way and earn money. I almost felt as if I was a man. † Her power of conformity allowed her to transform from passive wife to active and dutiful breadwinner, as she assumes a role generally reserved for those the opposite sex. In both A Doll’s House and Antigone, other characters’ failures in their duty serve to strengthen the effect of the duties performed by Antigone and Nora. Creon (the king) might be seen as dutiful because he carries out the decrees of his throne unrelentingly. Yet, in all his power and his attempts at duty, he fails in comparison to Antigone who braves death in her performance of her duty. All Creon’s power does not gain Antigone’s obedience, and though he declares of Polyneices, â€Å"He’ll be left unburied, his body there for birds and dogs to eat† (lines 234-5) his word is unheeded by Antigone so that what he says will not happen does in fact happen. Antigone’s sense of duty allows her the fortitude to face a king who is backed by an army. She knows that Creon is able to command the country’s armed forces and have her banished or killed for her deed, and yet her loyalty to her brother impels her toward committing the act of defiance. Antigone proves to be the writer of her own fate, and accepts death for the sake of her duty toward her brother. She says, â€Å"Take me and kill me† (line 565) demanding (and receiving) her own death. Ismene, like Creon, can hardly be considered dutiful in that she expresses no real wish to be loyal (at all costs) to her brother. Though she too loved her brother, she fears the power that Creon has to banish or kill dissenters. Her speeches are mainly questions and demonstrate no inclination toward action. She says, â€Å"What? You’re going to bury Polyneices, when that’s been made a crime for all in Thebes? † (lines 54-55). Here she subtly refuses to help Antigone and demonstrates even further the lack of duty she feels. Yet in the face of Antigone’s strong feelings of duty, Ismene cannot prevent the action. Much later when Antigone knows she will die, Ismene asks, â€Å"Even now is there some way I can help? † (line 631). She asks to help now, when she refused her help before, and this reflects not duty but an attempt to pretend loyalty when she knows that no help is now possible. She stands for very little, making very few statements or declarations, and proves herself to be among the least dutiful characters of the play. Again in Ibsen’s A Doll’s House, Nora demonstrates her ability to perform her duties in her dealings with Krogstad. Here, though she is at a disadvantage, she still manages to a large extent to direct the courses of action—showing that her resourcefulness comes to her aid in performing her duties. She is not afraid to stoop to manipulation in order that her obligations are fulfilled. She knows when to act and when to be still and let others do the acting for her. Though she appears not to, she directs Mrs. Linde to use her influence with Krogstad to help her in her situation. After pouring out her woes to Mrs. Linde, Nora makes a false attempt to deter her when she offers to talk to Krogstad. Nora says, â€Å"Don’t; he’ll do you some harm,† fully knowing it to be untrue. Nora’s follow up to this deterrent almost nullifies it: â€Å"Here’s his card. But the letter, the letter-! † This ability to manipulate people and situations is also evidence of the extents to which she will go in order to fulfil her duty to her husband. In contrast to this, Mrs. Linde’s attempt at dutifulness within her own marriage and after pale in comparison to Nora’s She has tried her hand at business, she says, â€Å"I had to fight my way by keeping a shop, a little school, anything I could turn my hand to. † However, this was to no avail. She is still without much money and, though she was married to a rich man, has accomplished not nearly as much as Nora has. Her duty appears to have been directed toward herself and her own enrichment via marriage to a wealthy man. She has demonstrated no strength in her duty toward him in maintaining (or even adding to) the wealth that they once possessed. Nora again proves herself more able even than her husband to control situations—and the success she demonstrates a determination born of her dutiful characteristics. It is here, however, that her dutifulness shifts from her husband toward herself. Even though Torvald does find out about the loan, she discovers his true colors and is no longer led by his desires or taken in by his sweetness. He tempts her with all his charms and fails. He declares at first when the truth comes out, â€Å"you have inherited- no religion, no morality, no sense of duty,† yet a few minutes later when he receives the forged note he says, â€Å"I know that what you did was all for love of me. † He shows want of tact and quick-wittedness to effect a recovery, and Nora’s reason allows her to see this. Meanwhile, her new-found duty toward herself gives her the strength to leave him. She acts in her own best interest, though societal norms and her love for Torvald would have dictated that she remain. In the two plays, Nora and Antigone prove to be the most dutiful characters. While Creon, Mrs. Linde, Torvald and Ismene demonstrate very little (or selfish) duty, Nora and Antigone demonstrate a self-sacrificial duty that stems from loyalty and love of their families. They are willing to do what they feel they must, though odds are pitted against them, and they act even though they may fear the consequences. The events of the two plays Antigone and A Doll’s House are driven by the dutiful figures (Antigone and Nora) that are able to perform feats despite not having the real power to do so. Their duty drives them to accomplish these acts. Both leading characters’ unwillingness to allow events to deny them of their desires to help their family demonstrates the depth to which their loyalty ran, and they prove themselves more dutiful than others who accomplish less even with more resources. Works Cited Ibsen, Henrik. A Doll’s House. Trans. By William Archer. http://academics. triton. edu/uc/files/ dollshse. html. Sophocles. Antigone. Trans. By Ian Johnston of Malaspina Nanaimo: University-College, Canada, http://www. mala. bc. ca/~johnstoi/sophocles/antigone. htm Sophocles. Oedipus Rex. The Harvard Classics. http://www. bartleby. com/8/5/

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Language And Communication Children And Young People Essays

Language And Communication Children And Young People Essays Language And Communication Children And Young People Essay Language And Communication Children And Young People Essay The cardinal involvement of this essay is to measure the function of drama in relation to linguistic communication and communicating development. Developmental psychological science and theories of drama are the chief beginnings of researching and explicating this alone interrelatedness, because they offer critical information about human behaviour. For this ground several developmental theories have been developed by many scientists such as Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, Sigmunt Freud, Albert Bandura and other modern-day scientists, who managed to clear up the facets of kid development from different positions. Initially, this essay illustrates the importance of drama by depicting its classs. Play theories are briefly demonstrated and divided into classical and modern-day 1s. Thereafter, it mentions the features of linguistic communication through the theories of two extremely well-thought-of scientists, Lev Vygotsky and Jean Piaget, in order to understand the correlativity between linguistic communication and drama development. It besides illustrates the being of nine basic communicating accomplishments and why non-verbal and verbal communicating is so of import. Furthermore, this essay analyzes research which explains the direct relation between drama, linguistic communication and communicating. Through elaborate mentions, the thought that the function of drama is outstanding in a kid s development is supported. Next it illustrates the importance of finger, mummer and rime drama to explicate that even the most common games possess a important function in linguistic communication and commu nicating development. Last but non least, it analyzes how play reinforces the literacy development and eventually demonstrates the sentiment of the author. The Importance of Play Arguably, drama is a critical portion of kids s development which has many deductions in their lives. Despite the trouble of mentioning to a normally accepted definition, drama is a critical portion of the developing kid ( Sheridan A ; Howard A ; Aldelson, 2011 ) . It is a cardinal action which occurs throughout kids s lives and is divided into two classs, free drama and structured drama. To be exact, free drama is an action where the kid can take the regulations and the signifier of drama, without the engagement and the battle of an grownup. Hence, the kid becomes the leader of drama ( Tassoni A ; Hucker, 2000 ) . Furthermore, many research workers have claimed that free drama offers more educational chances to kids. Whereas structured drama is defined as an action which is directed by grownups and limits kids s acquisition potencies. Adults are supporters and possess a primary function in this type of drama. For this ground, Thomas, Howard and Miles proved by a survey they conducted, that free drama, in other words playful mode drama, is capable of furthering kids s ability to larn. They province that through this manner kids s communicating is benefited, because gaiety creates the ability to heighten assorted types of behaviours. As a consequence, educational scenes use the playful method to further kids s linguistic communication and communicating development ( McInnes A ; Howard A ; Miles A ; Crowley, 2009 ) . It is of importance to advert that there are drama theories which are separated into two classs, classical and modern theories of drama. In peculiar, classical theories consist of the Surplus Energy Theory, Recreational or Relaxation Theory, Pre-exercise Theory and the Recapitulation Theory of drama ( Sheridan A ; Howard A ; Aldelson, 2011 A ; Stagnitti, 2004 A ; Tassoni A ; Hucker, 2000 ) . Modern theories concluded by the Arousal Modulation Theories of Play, the Psychodynamic Theories of Play, the Cognitive Developmental Theories of Play and the Sociocultural theories of Play. The last class is divided into two sub-categories which are the Play as Socialization and the Metacommunicative Theory ( Stagnitti, 2004 ) . Furthermore, there are five types of drama, which are cited as physical drama, drama with objects, symbolic drama, socio-dramatic/pretence drama and games with regulations ( Whitebread, 2012 ) . The above five types of drama aid kids to spread out their abilities non merely in the linguistic communication and communicating sphere, but besides in the physical, cognitive, societal and emotional sphere ( Sheridan A ; Howard A ; Aldelson, 2011 ) . Harmonizing to the changeless development of linguistic communication and communicating, drama and its benefits in this sphere must be analyzed in deepness, in order to measure kids s developmental potencies through drama. Language and Communication Language is a strong communicating tool ( Moyles, 1989 ) which fosters kids s abilities. Through linguistic communication we can populate the yesteryear once more, measure the hereafter and utilize this critical tool when we face complex state of affairss ( Crain, 2000 ) . Besides, many developmental theoreticians have tried to explicate, how kids adopt cardinal abilities as they grow up and some of them, hold given particular accent to the linguistic communication and communicating development and how it is related to play. They have evaluated kids s development from birth to maturity. Vygotsky, who was characterized as the Mozart of Psychology ( Gray A ; MacBlain, 2012, p.85 ) , claimed in his societal constructivism theory, that linguistic communication is the cultural tool which facilitates the procedures of thought and acquisition. It was his house belief that kids must grok linguistic communication, in order to interact in the society. Hence, harmonizing to Vygotsky, drama and linguistic communication are interrelated ( Moyles, 2005 ) . Due to the fact that through drama kids maestro communicating accomplishments, they interpret the usage of objects and copy the attitudes and the wonts of grownups ( Gray A ; MacBlain, 2012 ) . In add-on, he stated that kids gain cognition when they participate in societal communicating and accordingly, they adopt new significances. Therefore, harmonizing to Vygotsky, kids act in the zone of proximal development ( Whitebread, 1996 ) , which means that every kid has limited possible when carry throughing an activity but he ca n spread out his accomplishments with suited aid ( Lindon, 2001 ) . However, another respected scientist Piaget did non put accent, as Vygotsky did, on the importance of linguistic communication during kids s development. Piaget stated that linguistic communication mechanism is used by the immature kid merely to show some basic satisfactions and non to further more complex maps such as idea and logic ( Gray A ; MacBlain, 2012 ) . Furthermore, Piaget s sentiments did non advance kids s abilities ; alternatively he undervalued them, by using activities that were excessively complex for kids competency ( Whitebread, 1996 ) . On the reverse, some scientists argue that kids s idea, starts to work logically as they learn how to utilize linguistic communication. This happens because linguistic communication accomplishments are hard for kids to absorb, but when this bit by bit occurs, logic develops ( Crain, 2000 ) . Nevertheless, Piaget did non back up the above impression by adverting that logic derives from actions ( Gray A ; MacBlain, 2012 ) . On the evidences that linguistic communication is an built-in portion of communicating, it is of import to nail some of the accomplishments that kids develop in this sphere. In other words there are nine basic communicating accomplishments. Initially, kids learn to bespeak support, to bespeak aid, to accept and reject offers. Furthermore, they respond to the order wait or no , they respond to waies, follow a agenda and eventually they are able to do a passage from one topographic point to another ( Frost A ; Bondy, 2002 ) . For case, when kids pretend to be a patient in a infirmary, they learn when they have to wait their bend in order to be examined by the physician and they give orders such as wait , stay , come . Communication is a complex map. Before the outgrowth of words, kids can pass on adequately before following linguistic communication production and linguistic communication comprehension ( Sheridan A ; Sharma A ; Cockerill, 2008 ) . The above facet describes the non-verbal communicating type which is really of import. Newborn babes communicate nonverbally to show their demands. Facial looks, organic structure linguistic communication, proto-sounds and perceptual experience of feelings are the properties of non-verbal communicating ( Whitehead, 1999 ) . Hence, adults start to pass on with kids ab initio nonverbally and finally verbally. Research proves that conversation between kids and grownups which contains a big figure of unfastened inquiries is indispensable because kids have the chance to react to talk linguistic communication. In other words, when kids feel that they are active participants in an adult-child conversation, they feel playful which is salient for the development of linguistic communication ( Howard A ; McInnes, forthcoming ) . Fostering Language and Communication Skills through Play To get down with, surveies have proved that there is a strong connexion between linguistic communication and drama. Research which was conducted in Japan in 1989, showed singular marks that drama and linguistic communication are strongly correlated. Specifically, the four kids who participated in this research were observed 20 times each in a free drama manner, where the grownups had a inactive function. The purpose of the survey was to analyse early linguistic communication development and drama development ( Ogura, 1991 ) . Therefore, six characteristics of linguistic communication were illustrated in order to analyse the findings better. These were the outgrowth of first words, calling words, vocabulary jets, word-chains, nonproductive two word vocalizations and the outgrowth of productive two-word vocalizations ( Ogura, 1991 p.278 ) . Furthermore, this research divided drama into 13 subcategories. The findings showed that kids managed to obtain the ability of calling words becaus e they had been involved in preverbal communicating. Besides, kids began to call objects when the conventional naming act class of drama appeared. Furthermore, words and sounds have a strong relationship with each other. It was proved that kids through the functional relational use drama and the container relational use drama, managed to follow the above of import map and the production of first words every bit good. Furthermore, it was stated that early linguistic communication development is related to subsitutional drama. Besides, this survey illustrated that the environment plays a major function in the development of symbolic drama. As a consequence, linguistic communication is influenced by societal interaction. Furthermore, kids s vocabulary jets appeared in subsitutional drama. Word-chains appeared when make-believe doll drama, subsitutional drama and feign other drama took topographic point during the observations. In add-on, the 5th linguistic communication class appeared with planned drama and combinative symbolic drama. The last linguistic communication class was related to planned drama ( Ogura, 1991 ) . Undoubtedly, this paper shows the alone interrelatedness between linguistic communication development and drama. Research workers evaluated the connexion between symbolic drama with drama stuffs and symbolic drama with drama state of affairs. First, during kids s drama with unstructured drama stuffs, they found that kids who are at the age of three to four could copy the activities of grownups. However, in structured drama kids were able non merely to copy but besides to prosecute somewhat in function drama. At the age of four to five kids s unstructured drama evolved and they started to show inquiries and thoughts with the mediate tool of spoken linguistic communication. On the contrary, in structured drama they used more conversation. This survey showed that in the first type of drama kids at the age of five to six used their organic structure linguistic communication and voice to clear up a state of affairs. Besides, both in structured and unstructured drama, kids preferred to play in groups of their ain gender. We can detect that structured stuffs are better for younger kids because they do non set restrictions on their thoughts while playing. In other words, younger kids need to heighten their expressive thoughts by playing with structured drama stuffs to be adequately prepared for school ( Umek A ; Musek, 2001 ) . At the same clip, symbolic drama related to play state of affairs showed that phonic imitation ( Umek A ; Musek, 2001, p.61 ) is promoted and that at the age of four kids use societal address. Furthermore, they use societal markers, in order to talk like grownups ( Ervin-Tripp, 1973 ) . Subsequently, at the age of five kids use metacommunication in their drama. Metacommunication is really of import because kids can discourse drama. They stop in order to negociate the following measure of the game. Indeed, it promotes duologue among equals. It is really of import because it can be used as scaffolding to kids s linguistic communication development ( Andersen, 2005 ) . Harmonizing to this survey, metacommunication degrees are higher when kids are older. Furthermore, the same survey proposes that it is better and more helpful for kids to play in assorted groups instead than in groups with members of their ain age. Hence, kids can play in the zone of proximal development. Therefore, they foster their linguistic communication and communicating accomplishments. Again, this survey shows us that drama which is dependent on stuffs or state of affairs is correlated with linguistic communication development. Apart from the above surveies there are drama activities which enhance linguistic communication and communicating accomplishments. For case, kids are benefited by mummer because they develop an alternate idea. This occurs by detecting assorted kids showing their ideas. Consequently, they can believe of more complex state of affairss and they are able to show their thoughts with enriched vocabulary. Furthermore, finger drama helps kids with the numeration procedure ( Woodard A ; Milch, 2012 ) . Furthermore, rimes can supply many chances for kids to heighten their linguistic communication accomplishments. Harmonizing to a survey, rime consciousness helps kids to acknowledge phonemes which are really of import for reading accomplishments. The sensitiveness to rime enables kids to group words together with the same spelling characteristics ( Bryant A ; MacLean A ; Bradley A ; Crossland, 1990 ) . Play Fosters Literacy Vygotsky evaluated the function of pretend drama in kids s development and he argued that literacy is enhanced by drama. He describes that kids ab initio act spontaneously when they play, and the procedure of larning happens with their will. On the contrary, when kids go to school they must alter their behaviours to a planned and a structured environment. Vygotsky stated that pretend drama is the of import mediate tool for kids to follow written linguistic communication and to win in school ( Roskos A ; Christie, 2007 ) . Furthermore, pulling is considered to be a necessary drama for kids. Research has shown that kids can spread out their graphic vocabularies and they can stand for their significances, which means that through pulling communicating is enhanced ( Whitebread, 2012 ) . Besides, Vygotsky s research has shown that drawings in early childhood are connected with the ability of authorship and spoken linguistic communication, which means that the significance of kids s drawings is non merely the drawing as a image but the drawing as an expressive tool of their ideas ( Roskos A ; Christie, 2007 ) . In decision, it is deserving adverting, that in kids s drama the repeat and the renaming of drama stuffs fosters the ability of the direct relation between words and the objects they portray. The above map is called metalinguistic consciousness and it has been proved that it is necessary for written linguistic communication ( Roskos A ; Christie, 2007 p.193 ) . Decisions It is clear, hence, that the above essay illustrates the direct correlativity between drama, linguistic communication and communicating. Despite the fact that it has been proved that drama fosters the acquisition procedure, there are still oppositions of this position, who province that formal acquisition schemes are better than playful attacks. However, this essay contradicts the impression of formal larning methods by back uping the theory, that play does heighten linguistic communication and communicating by mentioning equal bibliography to turn out it. Children can make high criterions in the learning procedure of linguistic communication because during drama they are motivated and are non possessed by the feeling of fright ( McInnes et al. , 2009 ) . To sum up, due to the fact that drama has been decreased in school scenes, it is outstanding to guarantee that drama must be in preschool and in the first school old ages of a kid, because a kid is ever above his mean age, above his day-to-day behaviour ; in drama it is as though he were a caput taller than himself ( Roskos A ; Christie, 2007, p.199 ) .

Monday, October 21, 2019

World War I and The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

World War I and The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk After a nearly a year of turmoil in Russia, the Bolsheviks ascended to power in November 1917 after the October Revolution (Russia still used the Julian calendar). As ending Russias involvement in World War I was a key tenet of the Bolshevik platform, new leader Vladimir Lenin immediately called for a three-month armistice. Though initially wary of dealing with the revolutionaries, the Central Powers (Germany, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire) finally agreed to a ceasefire in early December and made plans to meet with Lenins representatives later in the month. Initial Talks Joined by representatives from the Ottoman Empire, the Germans and Austrians arrived at Brest-Litovsk (present-day Brest, Belarus) and opened talks on December 22. Though the German delegation was led by Foreign Secretary Richard von KÃ ¼hlmann, it fell upon General Max Hoffmann- who was Chief of Staff of the German armies on the Eastern Front- to serve as their chief negotiator. The Austro-Hungarian Empire was represented by Foreign Minister Ottokar Czernin, while the Ottomans were overseen by Talat Pasha. The Bolshevik delegation was headed by Peoples Commissar for Foreign Affairs Leon Trotsky who was aided by Adolph Joffre. Initial Proposals Though in a weak position, the Bolsheviks stated that they desired peace without annexations or indemnities, meaning an end to the fighting without loss of land or reparations. This was rebuffed by the Germans whose troops occupied large swaths of Russian territory. In offering their proposal, the Germans demanded independence for Poland and Lithuania. As the Bolsheviks were unwilling to cede territory, the talks stalled. Believing that the Germans were eager to conclude a peace treaty to free troops for use on the Western Front before the Americans could arrive in large numbers, Trotsky dragged his feet, believing that moderate peace could be achieved. He also hoped that the Bolshevik revolution would spread to Germany negating the need to conclude a treaty. Trotskys delaying tactics only worked to anger the Germans and Austrians. Unwilling to sign harsh peace terms and not believing that he could delay further, he withdrew the Bolshevik delegation from the talks on February 10, 1918, declaring a unilateral end to hostilities. The German Response Reacting to Trotskys breaking off of the talks, the Germans and Austrians notified the Bolsheviks that they would resume hostilities after February 17 if the situation was not resolved. These threats were ignored by Lenins government. On February 18, German, Austrian, Ottoman, and Bulgarian troops began advancing and met little organized resistance. That evening, the Bolshevik government decided to accept the German terms. Contacting the Germans, they received no response for three days. During that time, troops from the Central Powers occupied the Baltic nations, Belarus, and most of Ukraine (Map). Responding on February 21, the Germans introduced harsher terms which briefly made Lenin debate continuing the fight. Recognizing that further resistance would be futile and with the German fleet moving towards Petrograd, the Bolsheviks voted to accept the terms two days later. Re-opening talks, the Bolsheviks signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk on March 3. It was ratified twelve days later. Though Lenins government had achieved its goal of exiting the conflict, it was forced to do so in brutally humiliating fashion and at great cost. Terms of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk By the terms of the treaty, Russia ceded more than 290,000 square miles of land and around a quarter of its population. In addition, the lost territory contained approximately a quarter of the nations industry and 90 percent of its coal mines. This territory effectively contained the countries of Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and Belarus from which the Germans intended to form client states under the rule of various aristocrats. Also, all Turkish lands lost in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878 were to be returned to the Ottoman Empire. Long-Term Effects of the Treaty The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk only remained in effect until that November. Though Germany had made massive territorial gains, it took a large amount of manpower to maintain the occupation. This detracted from the number of men available for duty on the Western Front. On November 5, Germany renounced the treaty due to a constant stream of revolutionary propaganda emanating from Russia. With the German acceptance of the armistice on November 11, the Bolsheviks quickly annulled the treaty. Though the independence of Poland and Finland was largely accepted, they remained angered by the loss of the Baltic states. While the fate of territory such as Poland was addressed at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, other lands such as Ukraine and Belarus fell under Bolshevik control during the Russian Civil War. Over the next twenty years, the Soviet Union worked to regain the land lost by the treaty. This saw them fight Finland in the Winter War as well as conclude the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact with Nazi Germany. By this agreement, they annexed the Baltic states and claimed the eastern part of Poland following the German invasion at the start of World War II. Selected Sources Avalon Project: Treaty of Brest-LitovskGuide to Russia: Treaty of Brest-LitovskFirst World War: Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

Sunday, October 20, 2019

3 Examples of Expletives to Be Expunged

3 Examples of Expletives to Be Expunged 3 Examples of Expletives to Be Expunged 3 Examples of Expletives to Be Expunged By Mark Nichol In each of the following sentences, an expletive (a form of â€Å"there is† or â€Å"it is†) inhibits an active, concise sentence construction, and other wording is passive and/or more verbose than necessary. Discussion after each example explains the problem, and a revision demonstrates the solution. 1. There have been several immediate actions that the agency has taken. To produce a more concise sentence, find the buried subject (â€Å"the agency†) and move it to the head of the sentence, then omit the expletive and the attendant verb or verb phrase (and the now-superfluous that): â€Å"The agency has taken several immediate actions.† 2. For each initiative, there  will be a number of processes that need to change,  as well as new processes that may need to be created. Here, because of the modifying introductory phrase, the expletive is not so obtrusive, and in this case, the syntax is not doubly passive- the subject immediately follows the expletive, rather than being twice removed, as in the previous example. Nevertheless, the sentence is improved by beginning the main clause with the subject rather than the expletive; also, replace one â€Å"need to† or the other with must to avoid repetition: â€Å"For each initiative, a number of processes must change and new processes need to be created.† 3. While each bankruptcy case is unique, there are standard requirements that must be met by all creditors. Again, beginning the main clause with a substantial subject rather than an expletive will render the sentence more concise: â€Å"While each bankruptcy case is unique, standard requirements must be met by all creditors.† Additionally, however, note that passive sentence construction disguises the true subject: â€Å"While each bankruptcy case is unique, all creditors must meet standard requirements.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Handy Expressions About HandsComma Before Butâ€Å"Least,† â€Å"Less,† â€Å"More,† and â€Å"Most†

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Chapter 10 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Chapter 10 - Essay Example ending to use this method include apt skill in identifying focused and fundamental research questions, formulation and strategic testing of hypothesis, control for confounding variables, Skill in conducting, all-round interview, which include, structured, semi-structured and open-ended and calculating and making conclusions from descriptive and inferential statistics According to chapter ten, the benefits of embracing mixed research methods include complete address of a research problem, gain complementary data to and from research methods, sound generation and testing of hypothesis and triangulation purposes among others. This chapter gives a glimpse of the kinds of mixed methods designs that are universally applied. They include convergent, embedded, explanatory and exploratory designs. On equal measure, this chapter provides the plans of carrying out a mixed-method research procedure. It involves such steps as identifying the research questions and relevant hypothesis, carrying out the research review and considering all the validity concerns of the sample data According to chapter ten of the book, a researcher needs to understand the two special ethical concerns or issues that may arise (Leedy, Paul & Ormrod, 2012). They include, in the exploratory design, where results of phase 1 guide the implementation of phase 11, the researcher may submit two proposals in this situation to the IRB. One for each Phase and the issue of explanatory design, when the researcher wants to apply phase one outcome of quantitative data should be

Friday, October 18, 2019

Fasting Times Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Fasting Times - Research Paper Example First is the sample selection biased that can influence the research study if a non-random sampleof a population in which all individuals, or instances, were not equally likely to have been selected. Thus, results can be erroneously attributed to the phenomenon under study rather than to the method of sampling. Self-selection will be according to the willingness to participate in the study of individuals and there is a tendency that more educated person will agree to join the study. Another is limited response rate where some of the representative cannot fully respond to the activity that is being asked to them (Macnee &McCabe, 2008, 138). Generally, sampling errors and biases are induced by the sample design. Therefore, a researcher must utilize certain sampling methods in choosing representative randomly in the population to have a chance of being included in the study. The difficulty can also be mitigated by weighting the data when population standards are available or by imputing data based on answers to other

Election speach to student reptresentative Speech or Presentation

Election speach to student reptresentative - Speech or Presentation Example As this new approach to renovate the activities and achievements of the previous Council can be best demonstrated by first-year students, I'd request you to offer me the opportunity to represent Level 1 law students of our institution. As a candidate for this year's student representative election, I'd like to highlight my experience of working as the vice chairman of the Student representative council of my high school where I was also the football team captain for 5 years. I also take this opportunity to express my positive strategy to represent the common feeling of my friends to the management in a genuine manner. I'll try my best to communicate the student voice to the university management and work to achieve the student needs as a true representative of their feeling. I also promise never to be biased with a group of students against the others nor to be blind or deaf to the burning issues of my friends.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

FREEDOM WRITER'S Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

FREEDOM WRITER'S - Essay Example She also brought them Jewish holocaust survivors to talk of their experiences (Gruwell, 2006).To manage the class, she decided to take on two part time jobs to buy them books, so they could research and discover more. She also decides to spend more time at school much to her husband’s disappointment. Her faith in her students made her tolerate criticism from her colleagues about her unorthodox methods of teaching. The value of courage is seen in the fact that she does not care what is said about her and the immense love for her students that she professes. The fact that her husband divorces her does not put her down either. In the end, she got to see many of her students graduate and attend university (Gruwell, 2006). In conclusion, her story should be used as an inspiration to everyone that has a dream and want to pursue it. Despite struggles and opposition from friends, family and all loved ones, it is important that one gets to fulfill their dreams and overcome trials and tribulations in life (Gruwell,

Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 7

Art - Essay Example This is acknowledged to be one of the artist’s best known prints, and has been reproduced several times from the few impressions available. As compared to his later impressions, there are noted to be some differences such as the shape of the arm â€Å"which is not as yet fully defined† (Ivins: 182). This is one of the several aquatints created by Goya during the last years of his life. According to Schider (p. xxii), the tone of the picture can be lightened by scraping, but cannot be darkened, hence the method involves an exacting procedure. Similar to work done by mezzotint engravers the copper was first roughened with grainy aquatint. Then Goya created the masterpiece by scraping highlights into the prepared surface of the coppersheet. The menacing and mysterious figure of the gargantuan being who could be a Titan such as Prometheus or Zeus, was thus sculpted out of the darkness of the background. In Goya’s etchings with aquatint, known as â€Å"the Caprices†, his main technical achievement was: creating a visual world in which shapes emerge from the darkness (Murray: 153). The artist’s nightmares are portrayed; the form and content of which are unmindful of the natural laws of the universe. The light falls on the image evocatively, but is not realistic. The precise meanings of the images that he created were not clearly explained, and were left to the onlooker’s imagination to interpret at will. Francisco de Goya y Lucientes is observed to have mostly avoided classical themes, and especially did not use orthodox neoclassicism which defined a preference for line over colour, used static poses and refrained from depicting emotion. The term romantic classicism was coined by the art historian Sigfried Giedion, who believed that neoclassicism as an independent style did not exist, and that classical antiquity was compatible with romanticism

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

FREEDOM WRITER'S Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

FREEDOM WRITER'S - Essay Example She also brought them Jewish holocaust survivors to talk of their experiences (Gruwell, 2006).To manage the class, she decided to take on two part time jobs to buy them books, so they could research and discover more. She also decides to spend more time at school much to her husband’s disappointment. Her faith in her students made her tolerate criticism from her colleagues about her unorthodox methods of teaching. The value of courage is seen in the fact that she does not care what is said about her and the immense love for her students that she professes. The fact that her husband divorces her does not put her down either. In the end, she got to see many of her students graduate and attend university (Gruwell, 2006). In conclusion, her story should be used as an inspiration to everyone that has a dream and want to pursue it. Despite struggles and opposition from friends, family and all loved ones, it is important that one gets to fulfill their dreams and overcome trials and tribulations in life (Gruwell,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Information Technology and the Canadian Economy Essay

Information Technology and the Canadian Economy - Essay Example Entrepreneurship has not been fully covered with the current academic programs, as the discipline is usually taught as an integrated unit and not as an independent program like a degree. An entrepreneur is an initiator, while entrepreneurship accommodates any private or public organization, or individual, with the potential to respond to ever changing demands, utilizes new technologies and produces additional value from the assets at disposal, also entailing the need to motivate the continual phenomena of natural entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs seek to utilize their ideas by introducing new means of meeting demands, or changing existing means of commodity delivery in order to add value. Primarily, an entrepreneur carries out varying activities including adopting innovative means of addressing socially related problems; seeking to challenge traditional manner of working; incorporating ideas, people, and resources so as to integrate change; spotting business opportunities and optimizing on resources which are under utilised and taking uncertainties and risks; as well as responding to an issue with clarity over the outcome right in mind. In economic development, the role of entrepreneurship entails more than just accumulating per capita income and output; it entails initiation and constitution of change in the business structure, the economy as well as society. The referred change is followed by growth of premise and increased income, which permits more wealth to be shared amongst various participants. Additionally, entrepreneurship has been acknowledged as a major tool to help bridge the gap between science and the business market although entrepreneurs faced challenges of lack of managerial skills necessary for running their businesses. Although entrepreneurs face a lot of difficulties, entrepreneurship holds the most effective means of commercializing innovations, forming new enterprises, as well as

Violence in the Media and how it Affects Society Essay Example for Free

Violence in the Media and how it Affects Society Essay The effect of media is profound and far-reaching. All over the world, the media influences our values and intrudes upon our deep-seated ideologies and beliefs. Indeed the media has been a powerful force in influencing people’s perceptions, and more importantly, their behavior as well. Business, politicians, and showbiz personalities pay huge sums of money to media firms in order create an image or change an existing one. Politics in particular, has been making use of the media to generate public support for their campaigns and support for certain policies and legislations. Indeed, the power of the media to affect our behavior has long been proven. Among the most pressing issues about media nowadays is how the proliferation of media violence can affect society. People have long believed that constant and chronic exposure to violence through various forms of mass media can erode the values of an individual, especially if the person does not have a strong system of moral support. (Croteau Hoynes 23) However while it is easy to say that violence in media has an adverse effect in society, there are scholars who argue that it is not media per se that causes the negative effects, rather it is a complex interplay of many elements in society, and media is but one element in the issue. (Freedman 54) Media violence and its effect on society cannot be separated from these other factors and therefore, media alone cannot be held responsible for violence in society. As such, this paper intends to understand media violence and its effects on society by understanding the issues that underlie the argument. Violent behavior has long been a source of confusion among sociologists, psychologists and society in general. While there have been many extensive researches that have attempted to study, understand, and explain criminal acts, none thus far has been found to satisfactorily explain all the complex processes and the interplay of factors that pushes an individual to commit violence. Among these theories, the most widely-accepted is the constitutive criminology. According to this theory, violent behavior is the result of the complex interplay between man and the social structures that he interacts with on a regular basis. (Sanders Ferrell 146) As such, perpetrators of violence cannot be analyzed separately from the social processes that they interact with. Following this theory, it is easy to understand why media has often been implicated in the increase of aggressive or violent behavior. Media has been growing more powerful and omniscient by the minute. In particular the Internet, has amplified the power of the media to effect change and influence society’s behavior. The effects of these technological advances have been discussed by Croteau and Hoynes, â€Å"The increase in media options in recent years has even led to an increase in ‘multi-tasking’- using more than one form of media at a time. † (5) With the ubiquitous media surrounding us in all aspects of our lives, it is easy to realize that the media is a big and indispensable part of contemporary life. Indeed the media has become the most dominant and powerful force in our modern world, displacing religious and educational institutions as the primary molder of our individual and collective ideologies. (Croteau and Hoynes 6) And if media can be used to influence buying, voting, and other forms of behavior, it follows that is also affects violence and aggressiveness among people. How media influences people may be explained by Bandura’s social learning theory. According to Bandura (1977), the need to be accepted and conform to society is the main driving force for an individual’s actions. If media then creates the image of what is acceptable and popular, then it is only logical that society acts in accordance to this media-created image. The following figures are taken from the official website of the National Institute on Media and the Family (2006): ? Based on average viewing time, an individual would have seen some 200,000 acts of violence including 40,000 murders on television by the time he or she is eighteen years old (Huston, et al qtd. from the National Institute on Media and the Family). ? Children between the ages of 8 and 18 spend more time exposed to various forms of media (TV, computer, game consoles, music, etc) than any other activity in their lifetime. (Kaiser Family Foundation qtd. from the National Institute on Media and the Family). ? Of over a thousand studies that have been done on the effects of violence in television and movies, majority of them conclude that individuals, especially children who spend significant time watching violence on TV and movies are more likely to display aggressive or violent behavior, attitudes and values. (Senate Committee; Congressional Public Health Summit qtd. from the National Institute on Media and the Family) According to these figures, the younger the age of the individual, the more susceptible they become to the adverse effects of exposure to media violence. (Trend 93) The aggressiveness are often latent and presents later in life which is adds to the difficulty of measuring the actual effects of media violence. (Freedman 137) Women who spend long hours watching TV violence are more likely to respond violently towards their spouses. There is an increase in physicality among women with higher media violence exposure. (Partenheimer) In the same vein, men who watched more media violence exhibit increased physical violence and aggressive behavior towards others as well. Both men and women who watch violence on the Internet, movies, and TV are three times more likely to commit traffic violations and other misdemeanors and felonies. Regardless of any theory, there is no denying the fact that any violent actions or aggressive behavior is a product of a highly complex process, the mechanics of which may forever elude social scientists. However, while violence may indeed be just the end product of a series of interactions between the perpetrator and the world around him, the question still remains why some people who grow up watching the same levels of media violence grow up to be normal people while others become social deviants. As the individual makes the choice to commit an aggression, how much of this is because of media influence and other social and physical factors, and how much of this is purely the individual’s choice? For social scientists the challenge is to create theories that will help prevent violence rather than analyze the aggressive after the fact, after the harm has been done. As previously mentioned, learning does not take place in a vacuum; it does so within a social context. Young children are very impressionable, and they need constant supervision and explicit direction from their parents. Children should be made to realize what behaviors are acceptable and those that are not. Parents should exhaust all efforts to monitor what their children see and hear and provide proper and consistent guidance Indeed the media is very powerful and highly influential. But it is a neutral instrument and can be used for both good and bad. By virtue of its platform of delivery, films and television are highly accessible and are able to reach an enormous audience within a short span of time. The elements of compelling narrative, appealing characters, vivid imagery, and technological achievements, make a powerful combination that is able to stir deep emotions and leave lasting impressions in the psyche of the individuals who are watching. Shows and music that carry positive themes of justice, equality, and honor are very effective in shaping public opinion, and by extension, positive behavior as well. A well-made film or TV show can galvanize a society into action and initiate positive change. Media should temper violence by featuring shows that promote values as well. Works Cited Bandura, Albert. Social Learning Theory. Prentice-Hall. 1977 Croteau, David. Media Society: Industries, Images and Audiences. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 2003. Freedman, Jonathan. Media Violence and Its Effect on Aggression: Assessing the Scientific Evidence. University of Toronto Press. 2002. Partenheimer, David. Public Affairs Office. Childhood Exposure To Media Violence Predicts Young Adult Aggressive Behavior, According To A New 15-Year Study. 2003. Retrieved on March 7, 2008 from http://www. apa. org/releases/media_violence. html

Monday, October 14, 2019

What Are Smart Meters Information Technology Essay

What Are Smart Meters Information Technology Essay The aim of this research project is to give a critical review of the smart metering system. Climate change needs to be tackled and one of the possible solutions is the smart metering system, as it allows users to monitor and reduce their energy usage. This report will look at the past metering systems and their problems, the present metering systems and how they can be improved for future metering systems. The project will try to analyse the current issues like costs and how these can be reduced. Introduction Over The last decade, businesses have been increasingly talking about smart technology. Mercedes, for example, developed the Smart Car; there is the concept of Smart Money, and nowadays almost everybody is carrying the latest technology with Smart Phones. The utility industry is also taking part in this wave of Smart concepts, with the development of Smart Meters, which is fast becoming a topic which promotes various discussions on Smart Grids. Smart metering is a topic which has been getting a lot of coverage in the media and amongst many of the Engineering institutes. It is a topic which promises many benefits, both to customers, utility companies and the environment. Global warming and climate change are topics that, at the present date, we are seeing regularly on the news and in newspapers. It is a topic which has become the norm for discussions and debates. Global warming is caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gasses resulting from human activity such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. There are a number of ways we can fight climate change as individuals. One of the best ways is to reduce the unnecessary consumption of energy from goods and services in all aspects of life. This could be anything from driving on short trips to the shops, to taking several holidays a year on aeroplanes. There are alternative methods to these actions for example, walking or cycling to the shops. Concerns about the greenhouse effect, global warming, air pollution and energy security has resulted in increased public and government interest in the development of renewable energy sources. Many people are unaware of the amount of energy that they are using unnecessarily around the house or at work, and are unaware of the consequences it is having on the environment. The present financial economy is also posing a problem and more people are realising how important it is to save money. People are trying to save money in all aspects of life including on their energy bills but are unaware of how much energy they are consuming. Allowing customers to be aware of the amount of energy they are using makes a very big difference to our overall energy consumption. If we are aware of how much energy we are using, basic changes in our lifestyle will help to reduce this level of consumption, for example, ensuring all lights are switched off when leaving a room, switching off electrical devices over night rather than leaving them on standby. A solution is needed that will allow us to minimize the amount of energy we use in our day to day activities without changing our lifestyles dramatically. This is where the smart metering system comes in. Brief Overview of Smart Meters and Smart Metering 2.01 What are Smart Meters? Smart meters are the next generation of gas and electricity meters. They collect information about your energy use electronically.[1] [1] (visit date: 18/11/09) Smart meters are digital meters which collect, store, and display information with regards to the energy usage. The digital meter can communicate between utilities to control the energy usage in a house or a business. This information is available to both the supplier of energy and the customer. It displays real-time information of not only the energy usage but also the tariffs. The smart meter will allow customers to control the amount of energy they use. 2.02 What is Smart metering? Smart Metering electronic remote, real time monitoring or collection of usage data is achieved by the use of communications enabled utilities meters.[2] [2] (visit date: 18/11/09) BEAMAEnergy, the UK trade association group for the controls, metering and energy related communications industries, define smart metering as the statement shown above. From this statement we can determine that the term smart metering is given to a metering system which communicates wirelessly between utilities and a Smart meter, to determine the amount of energy being used. Figure 1: Smart Metering System Figure 1 above shows a smart metering system. It consists of a sensor which is connected to the meter. Figure 1 shows an electricity meter, but this could be a gas meter or even a water meter. The sensor picks up the usage data and sends this information to the portable display unit, or the smart meter, via a transmitter. There are three concepts relating to the collection of the data in the smart metering system, AMR, AMM and AMI. Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) is a remote reading system based on advanced technologies which allow utilities to read electronic meters over long distances. Through AMR, the energy consumption can be read on an annual, monthly, weekly, daily or on an hourly basis. Consumption and status data, such as time stamps, are through various connection media being transmitted to a central system for billing and analysis. The automatic data collection enables billing based on real time consumption as opposed to an estimated consumption. Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) refers to systems that measure, read and analyse energy consumption. These systems are also able to read electricity, gas, heat and water meters remotely. AMI systems can be defined as an extension of the simpler AMR-system. The AMI always communicates two-way and comprises the whole range of metering devices, software, communication media, and data management systems. Automated Meter Management (AMM) or Smart Metering is another expansion of a remote reading system that includes the possibility of performing technical measurements and functions and carrying out customer-orientated services via the system. [3] [3] (Visit date: 21/11/09) In order to fully understand the smart metering systems and its benefits, we were required to investigate the energy management systems of the past, identify its problems and what properties does smart metering have that overcome these problems. Past Energy Management Systems Mechanical What was it? Advantages? Disadvantages? Problems? How has it developed over the years? 4.0 Present Energy Management Systems Digital The current system in place, or which is currently being implemented is the Smart Metering system. It involves the installation of a digital meter at both residential and business customers, and the reading, processing and feedback of energy consumption data to the customer. The smart meter has the following capabilities: Real-time or near-time registration of energy usage and locally generated energy Smart meter -how does it work? PLC 4.1 Delivery Models There are three delivery models that are being considered for the arrangement of responsibilities for smart metering and related communications services. These options were given a full analysis for the Government by Baringa Partners. On the basis of the analysis, the Governments preferred method is a model which: Gas and electricity supply companies will have responsibility for the provision of smart meters; and A single provider will be appointed centrally to provide communications services to and from meters. 4.11 Competitive Model The competitive model is based on the existing metering market model, where electricity and gas suppliers are free to determine their own deployment strategy, choose the metering services they require and have the ability to contract the management of such services. Suppliers would remain responsible for all other metering services. 4.12 Central Communications Model This option would introduce a new market function to implement and manage communication infrastructure and data carriage, whilst maintaining metering competition. The communications provider would be organised on a national basis. All suppliers would be obliged to use the central communication function via licence conditions. Suppliers would also remain responsible for all other metering services. 4.13 Fully Centralised Model This option would introduce regional franchises to manage meter asset selection, ownership, deployment and maintenance, via a time based competitive franchise or licence awarded under competition. Communications services would be managed centrally as under the previous option. Predicted Costs for Each Model Current Projects around the world (what have the results shown in each project, their standards etc) Advantages of smart metering Disadvantages of smart metering Security (General security, i.e. environmental effects, wireless vs wired; cyber security) Case Study? UK Energy companys analysis on implementing smart metering 5.0 Future Prospects? Intelligent home Intelligent Meter 6.0 Conclusion

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Teaching Children How to Discriminate Essay -- Papers Disney Discrimin

Teaching Children How to Discriminate Rosina Lippi-Green's article "Teaching Children How to Discriminate - What We Learn From The Big Bad Wolf" (1997) examines the discrimination and stereotypes toward different race, ethnicity, gender, religion, nationality and region that Disney presents in their animated films. Lippi-Green also points out the use or misuse of foreign accents in films, television and the entertainment industry as a whole. Such animated films are viewed mainly by children. Lippi-Green makes a central argument in which she says that children are taught to discriminate through the portrayal of the different accented characters in Disney films. Lippi-Green maintains her argument by concentrating on "three aspects of language use in Disney films" (87) that she had found through watching the different animated films made by Disney. She had viewed twenty-four films multiple times and analyzed characters from such movies for their use of different language in automatically creating a character. On page eighty- seven of her article she gives us her main points: the portrayal of African-Americans in the Disney films; "the way certain groups are represented---particularly lovers and mothers" (87) and the manipulation of French accents that can be considered as a positive stereotype but can result as to being "negative and limiting" (87) for that particular culture. Lippi-Green gives an in-depth look at the negative portrayal of African-Americans in Disney animations. She acknowledged the fact that the cartoon characters that have connotations to be from an African descent, are voiced over by actors that are also of African descent. These actors and the animated characters spoke in "African-American Ver... ...rtatious, and mainly associated with food. Even the character names such as "Cherie and Lumiere" of "Beauty and the Beast" promotes the romantic nature that the French are stereotyped for. Through the representation of this culture, children would only learn to associate the mentioned stereotypes toward the French and only that. They would not consider other characteristics that the French are also known for, not necessarily the romance and the great French cuisine that we already know of. Having said this, what Disney produced as a harmless depiction of the French, could furthermore fuel of what could be viewed as a limiting representation of the French culture. Bibliography: Lippi-Green "Teaching Children To Discriminate" Hampton, Hampton Bluebbeell 1990

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Movie Essays - Romanticism in the Film Version of The Big Sleep

Romanticism in the Film Version of The Big Sleep      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In Raymond Chandler's novel The Big Sleep, he presents two sisters, Vivian and Carmen. These women become the central characters, aside from Philip Marlowe, and they control much of the action in the novel. The 1946 film version of The Big Sleep, however, manipulates Chandler's characters considerably. Aside from playing with the dialogue of the novel, the screen-writers change the very essences of Vivian and Carmen. Perhaps it is the casting of the film which forces changes from the novel, or perhaps the Production Code keeps the writers from developing the women in the way that Chandler does; either way, the film version of The Big Sleep makes the story romantic and often cliche.    Vivian and Carmen, sisters, are presented by Chandler as psychotic and dangerous women. Vivian, is described in detective Philip Marlowe's thoughts as "tall and rangy and strong-looking...Her hair was black and wiry and parted in the middle and she had the hot black eyes of the portrait in the hall"(Chandler 17). She is cool and manipulative, instantly suspicious of Marlowe's presence in her world, and she plays her suspicions off as insults. When she meets Marlowe, she says, "So you're a private detective,...I didn't know they really existed, except in books. Or else they were greasy little men snooping around hotels"(Chandler 18). Marlowe plays right back at her, countering every snide remark with one of his own. When Vivian tells Marlowe she doesn't like his manners, his response is,    I'm not crazy about yours...I didn't ask to see you. You sent for me. I don't mind your ritzing me or drinking your lunch out of a Scotch bottle...I don't mind if you ... ...ynamic together, the script is allowed to be less than what the novel created. This is exactly what happened with The Big Sleep. Marlowe and Vivian took a backseat to Bogart and Bacall. The sisters, Vivian and Carmen, had to be altered to create the effect of romance and intrigue. There was really no other way to go within the restrictions of the Production Code, as Carmen couldn't be played up to her full potential, so the director took Vivian and made her the leading lady. The essences that Chandler created for these two women were dynamically altered for the film in order to create two women without the demons or psychoses that he had intended.    Works Cited    Chandler, Raymond. The Big Sleep. New York: Random House, 1939. "Memorable Quotes from Big Sleep, The (1946)." IMDB. Internet. Accessed: April 1999. Address:

Friday, October 11, 2019

Home Page Essay

At Popcorn Supplies, we cordially invite you to sit back and enjoy the rich taste of entertainment as well as the essence of relaxation with our large kernelled, succulent popcorn as well as the delectable toppings that we offer. Our company’s product may already be known to you through our sister supplier Home Theatre Express. com. We provide the same mouth-watering buttery, caramel and other delicious popcorn flavors, but we offer them in wholesale quantities to those who want to invite large groups to enjoy the luscious experience. This offer is also meant to cater to those who own small or medium-sized businesses where such an appealing snack might be provided as a supplement to the entertainment or other activities provided. We offer a variety of services and products that enhance the popcorn production and consumption experience. Our store supplies carnival-style popcorn poppers such as Paragon Theater Pop and Gold Medal Funpop. We also stock large 4-oz bags of Orville Redenbacher’s high quality popcorn and cases of 35-oz Flavacol salt (12/case) that will equip your event to handle the high demand that is sure to materialize once guests or clients taste the scrumptious delight that comes in the popcorn bag. Plus, we also stock movie-theater popcorn buckets that create a much more authentic atmosphere for the occasion. Get these by the bulk too and legitimize your event as well-appointed and adequately catered. To this end, our toppings add the final touch of mouth-watering tastiness to the affair. This will make it not only a big hit with butter lovers, but also with caramel, cheese, nacho, frosting lover. And we offer even more toppings! Our prices are regularly unbeatable, and at wholesale prices it’s a full-scale, blow-out sale every day. Get your supplies now and save!

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Experiencing the Schizophrenia of Christianity Essay

â€Å"The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion,† asserts Albert Einstein. â€Å"It should transcend a personal god and avoid dogmas and theology. Covering both the natural and the spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual and a meaningful unity. Buddhism answers this description. If there is any religion that would cope with modern scientific needs, it would be Buddhism. † While other physicists and mathematicians love Lao Tzu’s Taoism, most Chinese embrace both and add Confucianism. For thousands of years, these have been the three philosophies of China. While Judaism, Islam and Christianity also made its way to China, these religions did not bear as much fruit because of their schizophrenic nature. Unfortunately, many in the West still suffer from â€Å"split minds† due to Christian indoctrination. There are many factual stories in the news today about the Christian crisis, but fiction writers also have their own adaptations or interpretations of these stories. For instance, in the short story Sixty-five Million Years, Father Hennessey portrays the schizophrenia of Christian clergymen and Christianity in general. Father Hennessey is the main character or protagonist of the story. He â€Å"found himself lured into a kind of salacious appetite for some of the things he was privy to; there were sins his parishioners confessed that seemed nearly attractive to him, not as temptations, but as something close to entertainment, amusement. † He became obsessed with the sexual confessions of Mr. Graham, â€Å"the most popular teacher in the local high school, who taught math along with science. † Graham is also â€Å"kindly, softhearted, resourceful, passionate about his work, a dedicated and devoted educator. † But he is childless with his wife of 25 years, a woman who is â€Å"several years older† than him. After a 15-year old girl, a remedial math student, came to see him regularly, he started to experience sleepless nights with â€Å"sexual tension. † He keeps seeing himself â€Å"reach for her. † She waits for him â€Å"to tell her the answer to a problem,† but he â€Å"can’t do it because† he has â€Å"to use all† his â€Å"mental resources to keep from grabbing her and trying to kiss her and begging her to let† him â€Å"have her. † Father Hennessey finds Graham’s mental anguish â€Å"entertaining,† and Hennessey, in the beginning, always looks forward to Confessionals with Graham. He â€Å"was guiltily aware that this was because of the strange absorption that had taken hold of him concerning the details of the story. † There came a point that it preoccupied his mind so much that he couldn’t administer mass properly anymore. He also couldn’t listen attentively to other confessions since Graham’s story always distracted his mind. There is also a 15-year old boy who regularly confesses to Hennessey. He has â€Å"close-cut blond hair† with a â€Å"crooked nose† and â€Å"a round head. † He also suffers from Rheumatoid Arthritis, spending much time in bed, reading books, as a result of his condition. His condition also resulted in fingers that â€Å"were knotted and curved slightly with the arthritis,† but they were â€Å"beautiful†¦in their strange variance from the hands one expected a fifteen-year-old boy to have. † Hennessey finds out much later that he is the twin brother of Graham’s obsession. Their mother is mentally ill and has been confined in the hospital since their father left them. The twin siblings have been living by themselves at home without any supervision. The young boy’s mentally-ill mother keeps asking the boy numerous doubting questions about God, so he goes to Father Hennessey for the answers. But he fails to answer them. â€Å"Father,† the boy asks during a confessional with Hennessey, â€Å"the dinosaurs lived here for millions of years. We’ve only been here for a little fraction of a second in terms of evolution. What was God thinking? † The boy explains that the Bible is ignorant of dinosaurs. â€Å"Saint Peter didn’t know about the dinosaurs, Father,† he says. But Hennessey doesn’t take him too seriously. He feels that â€Å"the boy might be less than sincere, and that this was all at his expense. † But the young boy is persistent. He visits Hennessey regularly at his confession booth; Hennessey not knowing that he is the twin-brother of Graham’s obsession. The boy even calls up Hennessey’s housekeeper to ask about the priest’s character or behavior, which the boy seriously doubts. Unfortunately, Father Hennessey fails to help Graham and the young boy. Instead of healing the mental illness or perversion of Graham, he makes it worse. Instead of answering the questions of the boy correctly, he gives a stock answer—faith. â€Å"There is no perfect answer, son,† Hennessey says, â€Å"except faith. † He considers them as forms of entertainment like watching interactive television. Hence, he makes both of their lives worse. Graham becomes perverted with his student, committing adultery with her multiple times, even on campus, where they are caught in the gymnasium equipment cabinet, and he is terminated from work. He also ends up in jail for contributing to juvenile delinquency and loses his career. The young boy couldn’t help his mother who is mentally ill, and in turn, the mother couldn’t help her daughter, who ends up with a sexual relationship with Graham. Father Hennessey had internal conflicts that split his mind or made him somewhat schizophrenic. Consequently, he also failed himself. One night, he was very troubled, and â€Å"What disturbed him most that night was that he had gone through everything in these last few weeks only in terms of himself. † He also â€Å"began to wonder if he were not becoming unhinged. † These problems are actually consequences or reflections of much more serious problems in the Catholic Church. Sometimes, it isn’t Graham or the young boy who develop such problems; it is the priest himself who develops sexual relationships with parishioners. Sometimes they rape them or molest them, as the thousands of cases broadcasted in recent television news reports. That’s why many Americans are now turning to Asian philosophies such as Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism which are in harmony with science and psychology, unlike Christianity which is in conflict with science. â€Å"For a parallel to the lesson of atomic theory,† asserts Niels Bohr, a Nobel-prize physicist acclaimed for the Bohr model of the atom and his contributions to Quantum Mechanics, â€Å"†¦(we should study) those kinds of epistemological problems with which already thinkers like the Buddha and Lao Tzu have been confronted, when trying to harmonize our position as spectators and actors in the great drama of existence. † This is the answer that both the boy and Graham were seeking from Father Hennessey. The elementary questions that the boy asked can all be answered by the three philosophies of China easily. The boy wanted to reconcile science with religion. He needed answers to scientific questions that contradicted the Bible or showed its ignorance. Graham would have had a clear answer from a Buddhist too. Although he visited Hennessey to confess his sexual perversions, he was really seeking a solution to his illness or his obsessive compulsions. He wanted to heal it or get rid of it, along with the suffering that he was experiencing. Buddha’s First Noble Truth asserts that life is dukkha—impermanent, uncomfortable, sometimes even painful and deadly, like riding a wooden cart with uneven wheels or hearing a screeching uneven potter’s wheel turn. Lao Tzu explains that the bumpy cycles of life, moving up and down, are the result of natural forces in the universe, which are now understood partly by physicists as gravity, space and time. It creates polarities in everything—male-female, good-bad, day-night, up-down, mania-depression, life-death, white-black, desire-aversion, happiness-sadness, economic boom-busts and so forth—with infinite degrees in magnitude, along with multiple combinations in proportions. The Chinese call this Yang and Yin, respectively. The Second Noble Truth then asserts that dukkha or the impermanent cycle of suffering is caused by the physical existence of Yin and Yang, such as Graham’s aversion and desire, as stated in Rodney St. Michael’s book Sync My World. Consequently, the Third Noble Truth then says that to manage dukkha, one must â€Å"extinguish† the polarities of Yin and Yang, or in Graham’s case, aversion and desire. Finally, the Fourth Noble Truth asserts that to â€Å"extinguish† these polarities, one must follow the Middle Way or the Eightfold Noble Path. To make a long story short, one of the eight guidelines in this path is meditation. Desire and aversion, for example, are caused by imbalanced hormones and neurotransmitters. By practicing breath meditation daily, Graham could biologically alter his brain chemistry to neutralize the imbalance in his system. There are also many other suggestions that a Buddhist could give to Graham, such as what to think when desires start burning him. Buddhists would also explain to him the concept of karma, or the principle of cause and effect, which explains all the possible consequences of ignoring his problem. As for the young teenager, Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching, explains that the â€Å"force,† acting as God or nature, creates everything in polarities such that some are monstrous dinosaurs and some are cute lambs. Some are carnivores and some are herbivores. Everything lives and dies and goes around in a cycle. People should never expect anything to last, whether it be marriage (which normally only lasts 10 years), jobs, prosperity, happiness or anything good. Incorrect expectations cause mental anguish, but managed expectations produce relative stability. One must realize also that the darkest period of night is the time just before sunrise, so any bad situation will eventually turn good, even if death itself has to trigger it. In the end, while Hennessey failed, his experience changed him: â€Å"He stood in the shadow of the church, and looked up. It was a building; he had a moment of being frightfully aware of it as mere stone, the work of human hands, stone and brick and mortar and wood. † He became aware or enlightened of the fact that the Roman Catholic Church is mortal. It is not the divine house of God. He is not a divine worker. There is nothing supernatural in what he is doing. He’s just human. The doubt of the boy made him doubt himself and the Church. But now he has the chance to change everything. And slowly but surely, America is also realizing that they now have a chance to do the same. Works Cited Bausch, Richard, â€Å"Sixty-five Million Years. † NarrativeMagazine. com. St. Michael, Rodney. (Including citations from Einstein and Bohr). Sync My World: Thief’s Honor GA SK. Raleigh: Lulu, 2009.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Law Commission Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Law Commission - Essay Example It may be stated that while legal entitlement may not be as clear cut in a cohabitation agreement as they are in a marital relationship, many of the same issues occur in both types of relationships. Since it is largely women who are the primary caretakers and providers of non financial components of a partnership, their interests cannot be ignored. Unless some of the marital provisions on divorce and inheritance of property are also enforced in cohabitation relationships, inequity will be generated, because such a relationship will provide further incentive for economically stronger cohabiting partners to derive the benefits of support from their partner without making financial provision as would be legally required in a marriage, thereby providing an undue advantage to one party at the expense of the other. Therefore in conclusion, the Law Commission’s proposal to introduce a fresh scheme for financial relief for cohabitees is to be welcomed, however care must be taken to ensure that the rights of the weaker partners are preserved in allocating financial relief on disposition of property. Moreover, couples without children must also be included within the scope of relief to be provided under the new schemes for cohabitees.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

See the attachments>> Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Why a Global Language - Essay Example There are several languages that are predominant in other areas such as English.   More people around the world are speaking English.   Some of the most powerful countries in the world speak English such as the United States and Great Britain and some people believe that it is because English does not have a masculine or feminine tense.   Instead, it is neutral and several have thought that it would become the language used by the world.   There are also arguments about the amount of comprehensive grammar used in English that people may find it simpler to learn than others. Some may contribute this to the way that English has derived its vocabulary from other languages so it is in some ways familiar to others who speak different languages.   However, highly intelligent people all around the world still speak other languages and Latin is still considered one that is classic, beautiful, and scholarly.   A language is generally more powerful because its people are more power ful and much of this comes from a country’s military.   However, the country must be economically powerful as well. With the growth of global business, an international language is supported.   Through the use of different technologies, advertising, marketing and the media, it is easier to disperse a language to different parts of the world.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Pillsbury Cookie Challenge Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Pillsbury Cookie Challenge - Case Study Example The paper tells that Ivan Guillen in his role as the marketing manager of RBG faced significant challenges. Primarily he faced the challenges of developing a strategy that would lead to the ultimate improvement in the business performance of his category. The key challenges further included the poor performance of RBG over the past few years. Correspondingly, the volume growth rate of the company has dramatically fallen and at the same time household penetration has also dropped to five year low. It is crucial for Ivan to understand these challenges carefully and find out a possible solution for profitable growth of the business. Moreover, it would be vital for Ivan to conduct marketing research for ascertaining the likely variables affecting the overall performance of the business. The identification of variables affecting the business performance will facilitate Ivan to address the areas that would be requiring more concentrated effort. The key consumer’s insights available to the marketing team postulate that consumers were familiar with Pillsbury brands and products but did not understand how they were relevant in the present busy and hectic life. Consumers were changing their buying behavior due to the economic conditions as well as due to the growing craze related to health. Moreover, it has been ascertained that consumers were becoming more sensitive and were spending less money on their purchase.... The key finding was that the consumers were reluctant to use convenience products rather they were more inclined towards baking from scratch. Business can be benefitted from the customers’ insights by prudently analyzing results obtained from the research and aligning these results with the marketing strategies with consumer needs. It has also been observed that mothers in Canada liked the RBG products for its price, its convenience and the happiness it succeeded to deliver through its fun experience when baked at home (Johnson and Mauro, â€Å"Pillsbury Cookie Challenge† ; Simona, 726-731). 3. THE KEY LEARNINGS FROM THE USAGE AND ATTITUDE STUDY ON P. 6 OF THE CASE, AND KEY IMPLICATIONS ALONG WITH ACTIONS THAT SHOULD BE TAKEM BY MARKETING TEAM The research offered significant understanding regarding Pillsbury’ brand users as well as lapsed users behaviors towards cookies baking experience. The key learning from the usages and attitude study was that scratch bakin g is the dominant method off cooking in Canada. It also provided a vital understanding regarding the market differences between the two market of USA and Canada. It was observed that customers of scratch users in Canada were far bigger than in USA. The research also demonstrated that the major purchase drivers were convenience and the entertaining feature of baking with kids. It is essential for the team to gather more precise understanding of consumer’s beliefs, perceptions, preferences and feelings towards Pillsbury RBG. Moreover, it is essential that data obtained from the research are used determining the future course of action (Johnson and Mauro, â€Å"Pillsbury Cookie Challenge†). 4. REASONS BEHIND IVAN GUILLEN AND HIS TEAM CONDUCTING THE IN-HOME