Thursday, October 3, 2019

Intellectual Skills Practical Skills And Transferable Skills Education Essay

Intellectual Skills Practical Skills And Transferable Skills Education Essay My first impression of this course was glad where I has chance to find out how the process of research and how to write the research report. As part of that, this course also has mention information system where I can more understand how the information system can support business activities and the future of information technology. The aim of this program is reflecting on the application of research approaches and communicating research finding in a suitable format for dissemination. Because of that, among the course I learning how to categories sources of information, how source of information usage in research, how IT contribution can enhance business performance and awareness of the range and variety of the technologies that support organisations. Moreover, this course also let me to practice intellectual skills, practical skills and transferable skills. For intellectual skills include how to select the suitable topic for investigation, appreciate its relationship which current development in IT, define clear research objectives, evaluate the results of a literature survey and understand system approach to organizations is considerable part for doing reaching. Meanwhile, this module let me to experience how to work effectively as part of team and schedule an effective study plan where systematically organize and interpret data obtained during group assignment and undertake self directed study. Furthermore, this course also let me practice to produce an effective visual presentation. Overall, the objective of this program is transfer the theoretical and skills to real world situations where I can apply it in the future. Main Report The coursework are split into two parts, the first part is group research and presentation. Before start the coursework, we try to plan how the group performed whether whole class in single group or separate in small group. Unfortunately our course modulator decides to discrete our class into three teams. Thus I feel that anxiety which team needs to joint because fearful to join the worst team has poor leader where it make my journey of this group project bitterer. This is where I found that the teamwork plays and leader as important elements for success the project. Team work is a group of individuals working together to achieve a common goal which is complete our group assignment. While, team leader is key person in the team where he/she needs to known well the project future direction, responsibility, well planning, attends team member and give a clear cut intrusion to the team member. Therefore leader performance is important, it will affect whole teams move further or reduce bac k. After few discussions on centre, finally I choose to join Miss Teo team where our team consists of me and Miss Teo only. If has any project in the future, I will not disquiet that need to select which group to join the important is what role you play in the team. If you are team leader need to responsibility and give clear-cut intrusion and attend to team member. If as a team member, need to coordinate with other team member and team leader. The week after finalize group member, we try to carry forward to following question which is select the topic of research of our team. Before we start, our class is worn off by course modulator that we have limited time to carry out research. Meanwhile I insight that the important of time management. Time management is range of tools, skill and techniques to use manage the time accomplishing the project. We distributed the workload among ourselves and set a time frame for completion. Group members were to adhere to the time frame stipulated. This is how we manage to complete a group assignment and presentation, with much hidden work behind our success. Meantime, our team is discussing the topic of the research. After a few short online discussions, our team generally fixates telehealth will be our topic of assignment. Immediately our team facing another question where telehealth is a big topic, isnt our team able to handle this kind of big research in short duration? If not, what is the next topic we need to look it, isnt subtopic of telehealth like telemedicine, home telehealth or ehealth or different topic? These kinds of questions keep come disturb us, among team member also has different argument about the topic and storming stages also come to join our team. Because of that, our team has a lot of online discussion and facing to facing meeting. But unfortunately our team also forces to invite our course modulator to join to settle down our problem. But luckily our team very hastily to say goodbye to storming where we has common idea to decide EHR in Alberta, Canada as our topic. Alberta is the first province in Canada carry out telehealth and EHR. At this moment, I discover that effective listening, take note, peer assessment and select a suitable topic is important for beginning of research process. Previously I thought select topic is easy job where pick up one topic and do research, but now I release that there is a lot of more involved. Next time when team member who coming out an idea/advice or suggestion, another member need careful listening, takes note and try to adopt it. It will reduce the storming stages and less conflict among the team. For the following week, we start do to research for EHR in Alberta. All related information for this assignment base on internet. On the internet, we can search a lot of information about the EHR. Then another problem prompt out is how the source of information will be categories? After categories it how the information usage for JRP? Therefore we try to analysis the information we have and summaries it into a point forms. For the time being, I aware that do the research has their rues of process and approach. Next time will more careful about that. In addition, our classes also establish a group called dynamic group where this group form to share information and discuss the problem facing each of the team. This group has a discussion every saturday on centre. The first mission of this dynamic group is finalizing the format of all report. In the question paper/ guideline give untrustworthy instruction for the format report. Every one of us afraid uses wrong type of format, hence we bring up this topic to group meeting discussion to discuss we need to follow which type of format. Furthermore, the chair of meeting is take turn by all members. It is a good time to learn and practice to be leader. Chair a meeting is a not easy job where need to prepare the agenda and do some homework. After we have sufficient information, then we start to write JRP. On start we have reference sample reference paper to see the structure of research paper and style of writing the research paper. Writing a research paper is not an easy job, where the all the part needs to base on the real fact to explanation. Although I not the editor, but we has much online discussion to discuss all part . At last the first JRP draft is completed, and then we start analysis and double check whether our JRP paper has miss out any point or not. We found that our JRP structure most like a case studies instance a proper research format. Then we look for our course modulator to discuss this issue and our course modulator said that this is the right way. Before that I think that before writing research paper, the editor need to understand the background and detail of the topic only. But now I have different option where the editor need to familiar the research process, approach, method and philosophy. One of them no follow, the whole research paper will be out. In the part of that, I feel the changing is literature review section. We need write the finding has done by previous research paper put at that section. We has try use the original world in previous research paper paste it into this section then will h as plagiarism. Then we found a technique to apply it. This a good lesson for me, next time when reach at this section we will more careful analysis how previous research paper. After few review and online discussion our team were finalize the JRP paper and continue doing the presentation slides. Following the next week, we doing group presentation slides. Then we separate the first few slides are done by me while other will do by Miss Teo. This is my first time to summaries the research paper to presentation slides. At the time, I feel fearful and strain because no idea how to summary become a slide. Then I start search from Internet how to summaries it for my further understanding and that time our team has few discussions. I think is a good chance let me try and learning how to prepare an effective presentation slides. It will help me a lot for future when has a presentation. After we complete the slides, we try to add in a word we need to present. Before the due date of presentation, we try to rehearse the group presentation and individual presentation. But we still no finalize the presentation slides. On that day, all team are trying participating to present their slides, while other will listen and give suggestion or advice after they present. Firstly come out to present my slides I feel scare. At the time, my mind is blank just read what has in the slides and quickly to complete it. I know that the problem what facing. Hope in next time present the slides I will more confidence and slowly to explain the slides. The next mistake I think I need to improve is answer Conclusion Overall I really enjoyed this group assignment where I glad that this group assignment gives me a great learning experience to do research and work as group. Besides that this assignment fit perfectly where I could apply what I learned in class to a real-world situation. Many classes teach you a bunch of stuff but never give you the opportunity to see it for yourself. For instance, Ive learned so much about forces and failures on beams, but have never seen it in real life. Other classes teach you things, but you never use it until years later, at which time you have forgotten some, if not all of it. I was able to take what I learned each week in class and use it to help me with the project. I think this quick application of the principles allows for greater development as a leader. I think that this course to better prepare me as a future leader. I will be able to use what I have learned now and years in the future. I can also use our group development as an example when Im in future groups and build upon the successes and learn from the failures. This project have made a big impact for me and the rest of my group member, hopefully we will be able to overcome these glitches in future project.

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