Saturday, October 5, 2019

Discussion Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Discussion Questions - Assignment Example Methods used to achieve this are development and research theory. Disciplinary power is extremely influential and power full; it is used in influencing groups and individuals to produce an effect of their habits, conduct and attitude. Large percentage of nurse’s focus on holistic models of nursing which are centered on health experience and challenges, professional and cultural life comprises of cluster of symbolic practices (Rogers, 67). In order to promote evidence based practices, they have to attempt to change nursing culture. This is necessary for revitalization. It needs to take account of factors such as; locus of power and decision making. Nursing culture is expected to exhibit outcomes and behaviors of reflection within their day-to-day practices. Through critical reflection, they are able to examine the historical and developmental circumstances which help in shaping the nursing culture. Knowledge and understanding the community is vital in improvement of educational and quality health care. Having complete knowledge about a community will also help in eradicating of diseases that may attack residents in a community. Over the past years, community health workers have been offering door to door medical services; this is to prevent the spread of diseases and also addressing issues concerning a healthy living (Mat lack, 89). Community health practices are the activities that help in improvement of health status, prevention of epidemic diseases such as chorea, tuberculosis is and many other chronic ailments. Influencing public health policy can be done by community campaigns’; this is to educate different communities on who to live a healthy life and more on how to deal with diseases which cause epidemics. Illiteracy in some communities affects the public health policy; it is the main cause of spread of some chronic diseases. In some communities may be having

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