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Effect Performance Expectancy Satisfaction -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Effect Performance Expectancy Satisfaction? Answer: Introduction Globalization has changed the buying behavior of the consumers and most of the consumers search the online platform for products, businesses and services. Consumers are able to access different websites at different touch points and it the imperative to provide the consumers with best experience at all points (Amorim and Loureiro 2017). Therefore, the quality of website is very important for retaining the customers and gaining new customers. As the most of the companies have shifted to Omni retail channel this is one of the most crucial contemporary topics. This is why this topic has been selected so that importance of website quality and their corresponding components can be evaluated. Online shopping has emerged as the most sought after option by consumers who now have access to everything at their fingertip. The market size is rapidly expanding in case of online stores and Zalora is one such rapidly growing store. In order to maintain the consistent growth, it has to discover ways to keep its customers especially those who prefer sports apparels. It has been found in many studies that customer satisfaction and loyalty to online stores depend on the quality of the website. Consumers login to or visit an online shopping store to find out the perfect attire and to find out what other buyers feel about the products. The current generation is more inclined towards sports and hence looks forward to possess cool apparels and accounting related to sports. Zalora has a range of sports apparels and accessories that attracts thousands of customers each day.The online store was opened in 2011 by Rocket Internet Company and has a strong presence in many countries of Asia and the Pacific( 2018).The present paper attempts to establish a relation between the companys website quality and consumer e-satisfaction and e-loyalty. To investigate the effects of website quality, e-satisfaction and e-loyalty To determine how website quality affects e-satisfaction and e-loyalty in Zalora Online Store To provide recommendations to marketer of Fashion Online Store on e-satisfaction and e-loyalty through maintaining good website quality Sports Website Quality As stated by Wang et al. (2015), keeping all the attributes of the websites to a maximum as website quality which consists of factors such as Appearance, functionality, search engine optimization, web usability and content is known as quality of website. Although Zalora is not solely a sports website, but it does have, an entire section dedicated to sports. A shopping site, Zalora realizes the importance of sports in todays generation. In order to maintain the continuous flow of consumers to the website, the company has to ensure that it provides a top quality website. Hur, Ko and Valacich (2011) point out that despite the growing popularity of online sports related business, limited number of studies have been carried out to identify the factors that influence consumer behavior. However, certain studies were done on the relationship between SWQ and the consumption intentions of the consumers. In a study conducted by Chiu and Won (2016), the Bifactor Model was used to analyze the consumption habits of consumers and it was revealed that more than 70% of consumers revisited a particular website based on the website quality. The findings of the study by Kim and Lennon (2013) bring forth the fact that website reputation holds key to the positive and negative behavior of the consumer. E-satisfaction E-satisfaction can be referred to as the online version of satisfaction that a consumer feels when he or she receives quality product or service. Online stores provide e-satisfaction to consumers who shop online or form communities online. A vital factor decides the fate of the online store, e-satisfaction of consumers is considered to be of highest priority to the online companies. If a customer is not satisfied by the website services or if the website quality is below standards, it is highly possible that the website will lose the potential loyal consumer. Bressolles, Durrieu and Senecal (2014) point out that e-satisfaction has received increasing significance in the literature of marketing. The authors argue that e-satisfaction results from the e-service quality that a particular website provides. Many studies have focused on e-satisfaction of consumers purchasing online and one of those studies by Suh, Ahn and Pedersen (2013), mention that e-business proliferation has intensifie d competition for online customer satisfaction. Their study focused primarily on applying an integrative approach to examine e-satisfaction of consumers buying online. This implies that e-satisfaction is vital to an online stores success and it has been realized by many experts as well. E-loyalty Customer loyalty stems from the consistent deliverance of quality service by businesses that compel the customers to revisit their stores. Similar can be stated about online stores. Loyalty by online store customers refers to e-loyalty. It has been observed that e-loyalty serves as an indicator for success to any online store. According to Makanyeza (2015), loyalty is a fuel that drives companies to strategize carefully and focus not only on attracting consumers but also to compel them to visit again. Valvi and West (2013) however argue that testing the e-loyalty of online consumers can be understood better by applying different theories. In an attempt to find out the factors that influence e-loyalty of consumers in the UK, the authors applied the expectation-confirmation theory. It was found that certain variables affect consumers e-loyalty including trust, perceived value and price. Thus, the aim of the present paper is to identify variables that concern e-loyalty in the Zalora Onl ine Store context. It also aims to establish the core association between the three concepts. Hypotheses Formations The study aims to establish three hypotheses to explain the affects of website quality, e-loyalty and e-satisfaction on Zalora Online Store. Methodology: The study would use both primary and secondary research. Primary Research The study will be conducted using questionnaires for evaluate numerical data for a systematic analysis. Furthermore, the Sports Website Quality Scale (SWQS) shallSample Design Target Respondent and Sample Size: Target respondents refer to those associated with Zalora Online Store who is the members of Zalora Online Store. Furthermore, 155 university students who are also sports enthusiasts will be included as sample size. Sample data consist of consumers that are aged between 18-30 and the regular users of Zalora Online Website Sampling Methods: Stratified sampling is selected for the study. It refers to the identification of samples from a target population who are more inclined towards buying sports accessories online. Stratified Sampling is used as it will divide the population into different groups that are non-overlapping. Then randomization will be done to select respondents from each of the groups so each of the population will have the fair amount of opportunity of being selected. Potential Limitation and Contingency Plan Target respondents as members of Zalora Online Store cannot be accessed and hence this group cannot be included in sampling. The sample size is too small to cover fully the whole Zalora Online Store and therefore the outcome might be affected. For further research, age could be considered as a factor for the study. In addition, local sporting stars other than HKU Space students could be approached for the research. Secondary Research Secondary research will be done to present supporting evidences on academic field, marketing trends and company profile. Data for secondary research can be found in various textbooks, academic journals that will be obtained mainly from HKU Space Library. In order to have access to journals, EBSCO / SPSS / T-test host research database will be used. Work Schedule: Task/Month April May June July Brainstorming the interested academic area Information search Define the topic Design the research objectives Formulate literature review Design the methodology Recording students response Formulate the research proposal Design the questionnaire Pretest the questionnaire Conduct the survey Process and analyze the data Make recommendation Conduct the report References: Amorim, M. and Loureiro, S.M.C., 2017, July. Effect of website performance expectancy on customer satisfaction: online fashion performance. In2017 Global Fashion Management Conference at Vienna(pp. 536-539). Bressolles, G., Durrieu, F. and Senecal, S., 2014. A consumer psychology based on e-service quality and e-satisfaction.Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,21(6), pp.889-896. Chiu, W. and Won, D., 2016. Relationship between sport website quality and consumption intentions: application of a bifactor model.Psychological Reports,118(1), pp.90-106. Hur, Y., Ko, Y.J. and Valacich, J., 2011. A structural model of the relationships between sport website quality, e-satisfaction, and e-loyalty.Journal of sport management,25(5), pp.458-473. Kim, J. and Lennon, S.J., 2013. Effects of reputation and website quality on online consumers' emotion, perceived risk and purchase intention: Based on the stimulus-organism-response model.Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing,7(1), pp.33-56. Makanyeza, C., 2015. Consumer awareness, ethnocentrism and loyalty: An integrative model.Journal of International Consumer Marketing,27(2), pp.167-183. Suh, Y.I., Ahn, T. and Pedersen, P.M., 2013. Examining the effects of team identification, e-service quality (e-SQ) and satisfaction on intention to revisit sports websites.International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship,14(4), pp.2-19. Valvi, A.C. and West, D.C., 2013. E-loyalty is not all about trust, price also matters: extending expectation-confirmation theory in bookselling websites.Journal of Electronic Commerce Research,14(1), p.99. Wang, L., Law, R., Guillet, B.D., Hung, K. and Fong, D.K.C., 2015. Impact of hotel website quality on online booking intentions: eTrust as a mediator.International Journal of Hospitality Management,47, pp.108-115. 2018.About Us | ZALORA Hong Kong. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Mar. 2018].

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