Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Growing Up In A Single-Parent Family - 664 Words

Growing Up In A Single-Parent Family With the divorce rate as high as it is, more and more children are growing up in single-parent families. Ideally, it is better for children to live with their mom and dad happily married; however, children who grow up in single-parent households can still be well- adjusted children, teenagers, and adults. Although there are always exceptions to every rule, for the most part, children who grow up in single-parent working households are more mature, realistic and independent. First, in a single-parent working family, children tend to be more mature. The children are more mature because they often have to be responsible for themselves. For example, if their†¦show more content†¦Children in this environment are also capable of dealing with different situations. For example, they are aware of how to deal with emergencies without mom or dad being there to help them. Children are more mature in a single-parent working family because they need to be. Second, in a single-parent working family, children tend to be much more realistic than children who live in a two parent family. Children growing up in a single parent family know that marriage is not a fairy tale and is definitely not perfect or for that matter even close to being perfect.. They saw their mom or dad’s marriage fail and realized that marriage takes a lot of work, time, and dedication. Children in this situation also know that families have to work hard for the money that is necessary to take care of everyone’s needs. The facts are that most in a single-parent families live at or below poverty levels and they know that mom or dad can’t always buy them brand name clothing, the newest toy, the latest CD or the best video game console. They also know what it is â€Å"the real world†. For example, these children see their parent (mom or dad) working hard to pay bills and sometimes struggling to do so. 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